Should I chemically castrate myself?

I hate women, and don't want nor can I get a relationship with one. I envy them and I'm jealous of how much easier their lives are. Although I hate them in that aspect, I still find them sexually attractive and have to masturbate often to release. I find this a burden Should I get chemically castrated? will that help?
+1 y
all I wanted was to love and be loved suicide is looking much more tempting right now
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't know what to say to other than I empathize with you.

    I'm a guy who admittedly has become quite jaded with regards to my feelings towards women. I have had decent luck with women, however as of recent most of the women I've come across have done nothing but sh*t on me and cause me stress, even ones I'm not romantically involved with. I try to tell myself that not all women are bad, but I'm definitely finding it quite hard to find the good ones. I find even the simplest of women are out of their minds to a degree. I now question whether or not I'd even be able to truly tolerate a girl again being in my life when I can barely tolerate my own mother and sister because their female bullsh*t irritates me so much.

    On top of that, I suffer from the same jealously fueled hated that you do. Just like you said, I truly believe that girls have it 100x easier in life than men in just about every way. I see it in my own family. My sister has her life served to her on a silver platter because she's a girl. She'll do everything wrong and still come out on top, where me on the other hand works my ass off to excel in life but nothing goes my way and nobody takes it easy on me because I'm a guy. I envy how the world bends over backwards for women, I envy their lack of financial requirements (as a guy stressing over making living, fresh out of college), I envy their ability to get BF/sex with little to no effort while us guys still beg everyday for girls to even look at us.

    Obviously I'm still sexually attracted to women, even though part of me now wishes I could be gay. I literally have had to stay away from women as much as possible because of the amount of stress they all cause me. Just like even women themselves state, I just find guys more easy going, and stress free. They can handle there own lives, they down nag about everything, they aren't emotional messes having breakdowns every second, and they aren't causing drama over every word that leaves someones mouth.

    Obviously I don't think suicide is the answer. I think the trick is to remove yourself form women for a while. Spend more time around men, doing manly things and you'll find it quite liberating. Women are very judgmental, especially of men and being around other men gives you a certain freedom that is hard to explain. I also feel its goo to just focus on your passion. While this may sound cynical, I think it can be quite motivating to watch yourself move closer to success, knowing that our success is a means to spite those women treated you badly. It's kind of a way of giving the finger to all the haters.

    I think this question in and of itself makes a case for what you say, and the state of our male populace. I see posts like this quite often form men, but never from women. Mental illness in men has also surpassed women. I think men carry a greater burden in life, more so now than ever, and reactions like yours show that, where as the absence of the same from females also speaks lots

    • Ahhhh cry me a river. Hahahahah sort sorry I should be more considerate but I'm "jaded" by the complaining of guys on this site. Seriously rude on my part hahah sorry man.

    • I wish that sentence made any sense.

  • To address all the men and women in denial about the ease of women's lives here is some food for thought.

    Start with this link: link

    -They don't have to pay cover charges at clubs/bars

    -They get free drinks at those bars (yes in America there are clubs that let girls drink for free)

    -They don't have to pay for dates

    -They don't have to drive on dates

    -They don't plan dates

    -They take a passive role in dating (less work)

    -Sexually satisfying your partner is much easier

    -Academia better suits female skillets (proven psychological fact, learned that in a psyche course in college)

    -Financial stability is not required

    -It's socially acceptable to have little money

    -its socially acceptable to ask for help

    -It's socially acceptable to be emotional

    -Are free to display homosexual tendecies without nearly as much condemnation

    -Courts are biased towards women in rape cases

    -courts are heavy biased towards women in child custody cases

    -Police are more sympathetic towards women

    -Not required to give up your jacket and or seat for men

    -Women can more easily obtain sex

    -Women pay less for life insurance (you live longer)

    -You live longer

    -You pay less for car insurance

    -Obtaining an attractive body is easier (losing weight is easier than gaining muscle)

    -Women gain easier entry into colleges (schools are forced to accept a certain amount of women, no such requirement is placed on men)

    -Socially acceptable to decide not to work and rely on others

    -Socially acceptable to ask for help in repairing something (i.e. cars)

    -Jobs are easier to obtain (read links above, more women are in the USA workforce)

    -Open display of sexuality is socially more acceptable

    -Sexuality is praised, male sexuality is demonized and consider perverted

    -Acceptable to physically abuse a male, the reverse is not true

    -Not required to register for the military draft

    -Get maternity leave at work, fathers don't get the same time off

    -Formal wear is cheaper (suits are generally more expensive that dresses aside from wedding dress)

    -This link

    -Socially acceptable to wear makeup

    -Can use her appearance to gain leverage in social situations (i.e. free stuff)

    -Majority (about 70% if I remember correctly) are homeless.

    -Welfare/entitlements are biased towards women link

    =Women are given priority over men in emergency situations (women and children first)

    Also a list of major issues men face. link (be sure to watch the video under "male disposability". Sums up the problem with feminism quite well.

    Seriously women who think men have it easier are so naive its disgusting.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I would like to know where you got the understanding that women's lives are easier...I can't help but to laugh so hard at this! This is the most idiotic thing I have EVER heard! You can't get a girl/sex so you are going to chemically castrate yourself!? This should have been posted on April 1st because this has to be a joke! Seriously dude.

    First off, you need to learn a few things. Women do NOT have easier lives. You think having extreme abdominal pains while bleeding out of your vag every month is pleasant? You think getting paid less in jobs because you are a women is cool? Being looked at just for sex makes us feel important, getting pregnant, feeling awful for 9 MONTHS, then having your pelvic muscles and bones stretch out to let this baby be pushed out of you, and having the man ditch you sounds fun? And don't even get me started on Birth Control!

    Second, What has a woman ever done to you to make you hate them so much? Is it only because they can make their life LOOK easy? Is it because someone broke your heart and you haven't healed so you take it out on everyone else? Did your mom leave you when you were a child/Did she put you up for adoption? What is the root of your problem here?

    -Aside from all that, men and women have the same issues as to getting a guy/girl; appearance/image, intelligence, what to say and how to say it, who should as who out, do they even like me, etc etc. All the sh*t you go through thinking about a girl you like we go through the SAME thing! So relax.

    Maybe you need to do some self inflection. Talk to a therapist about these feelings.

    I know plenty of women who can not get a date, they are pretty and smart but can not get ANY attention from a guy, who have never had sex and they are at the oldest 36 years old.

    So lets not go to any extremes here. First find out the root to your feelings, then try to treat them. If you still find women attractive and want to be with one why would you want to do this to your body? I know this is how you feel now, but think long-term that what you really want?

    Hope I helped.

    • You know after reading some of your responses to people, forget everything I said above this comment and let me castrate you! I think it would be best if you couldn't reproduce. I will saw it off really nice and slow so you can enjoy every f***ing minute of it. :)

    • maybe you're in a minority I don't know a single attractive woman who doesn't have life easy

    • Wow. I don't even know what to say to you. You are a complete ass hole! To think every single attractive woman has life easy makes you the biggest idiot in the world! If I get the honor of chopping off your d*** I would cut out your tongue too. Do everyone a favor and stop talking!

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  • Women have it easier? That's news to me haha. I guess we certainly make it look easy. :P

    You probably didn't know this, but we go through a lot to keep our appearances nice. My hair takes about 2-3 hours to dry if I don't use a blow dryer. After it dries, it takes around 30 minutes to style. And I also have to put on makeup (which is flipping expensive, by the way, even though I don't wear much) because of my uneven skin tone. Not to mention getting my eyebrows waxed every other month. Also, staying in shape is a challenge for us, since our bodies naturally store more fat. And I won't get into the discomforts of periods and pregnancy, since you most likely know about those.

    I'm not necessarily complaining about these, since I know it's just reality. I'm just saying... I don't think you know as much about women as you think you do.

    And don't kill yourself. That's never the answer.

  • Suicide is not an option its a choice you have to stumble and fumble before you for there's someone out there wishing they had your life someone out there is dying wishing for another chance while your alive and complaining about the life you have

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 18
  • After looking it up, it doesn't seem as drastic as it sounds, but I still think its a bad idea. Sounds like you need to talk through these feelings with a professional. They may be able to help you b happier.

  • In what way could you possibly think a womans life is easier? honestly lol. as for castrating yourself, no one can tell you whether its a good idea or bad one, that's solely up to you my friend. have you tried possibly having sex with women instead of masturbation? If your asking for my opinon on castrating yourself, I say your f**king crazy for even thinking about it. but again, your choice.

    • they have no problem getting dates and sex for one and no I can't get sex

    • ok well keep this in mind if you would even call that easier. I think it would be a pain to be an attractive girl. you couldn't go anywhere without constantly being hit on and watched by guys and judged and hated by women. and if you think your having a hard time with women now, try castrating yourself, you'll have to be very "handy" for a long time. it sounds to me like you just need some help finding out how to talk to and attract women.

    • "In what way could you possibly think a womans life is easier?" I am sure "Brian Banks" or the guys from the "Duke Lacrosse University" case of FALSE rape accusation, who had their life destroyed by disgusting women abusing a legal system clearly favoring women would be happy to hear your retarded load of sh*t...

    • Show All
  • Oh wow...

    Get a surgery and be a woman, then maybe you will experience how "great" it is to be a woman. -Except you still won't have periods and the ability to give birth-.

    Dude, get your sh*t together and stop complaining. Life is never easy when you don't try to make it better, regardless of gender.

  • Guys like you sicken me.

    • why?

    • Because it sounds like all you do is feel bad about yourself. You say you have no desire for a woman yet you hate them anyway. You have not attempted to make yourself attractive to females. And if you truly don't want a female partner, then don't hate us, that's all you.

    • I have attempted to make myself attractive, I worked for 2 years hitting the gym changing up my style trying to become more attractive.. still get nothing

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  • I sometimes find myself in a sort of similar mood, but seriously, quit being a whiny misogynist crying for attention. Go talk to a therapist or something. If you're too stubborn to actually try to work on your problems, then go right ahead! Have fun with your permanent self-harm just for attention!

  • I know what you mean, it's especially annoying because noone acknowledges the diffrance this way. However it's important to note this is actually due to a mirror pyramid sexual hierarchy (I'm not going to explain now) and although annoying, it just means life is going to have a bit of an extra challenge. Don't put the blame on them, it's a neurobiological thing, and remember your not the only person with these thoughts and feelings. You must accept the way things are and come to peace with it. It's very hard once you've realized, but I know it's possible. Good luck

  • "...jealous of how much easier their lives are"

    Dude, a LOT of people out there have easier lives than you do, for a LOT of different reasons. Not just women.

    Sounds to me like you're just all sour grapes because some chick you were into rejected you. Not cool, man. Not cool.

    • I love you!

  • Why don't you try men? A gay guy once told me that men give better blowjobs.

    • Though I have been told I am really good at oral, I was told by a Bi guy, that a man does give better oral. That's why I ask my gay and Bi male friends for advise on giving better oral. So as queenly said try having a guy do you. Castrating your self with chemicals will prevent you from ever getting it up again. Silly idea.

  • You're stronger than that.

    • or not...

  • Be a man and do it yourself with a rusty knife.

    • lmao

    • OUCH

  • I'd get therapy before castrating yourself man

  • Actually, don't waste the money. Just keep reading these forums. If you read enough responses from women here, your balls will just fall off.

  • I understand your pain.
    I considered physical castration, but the loss of hormones that would result would cause a range of serious health issues.
    You may find it useful to go to YouTube and watch some MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) videos.

  • I can't believe what I am reading with my eyes...

    Hunny trust me, being a woman is not all it's cracked up to be. We have twice as much pressure from the world to be prettier,skinnier, and feminine. Periods?Childbirth?Cellulite? Make up? ect...the list goes oooooon. Please seek some (professional) help, and reconsider your choices.

    • I'm not sure women have it easier or harder than men, but some of the stuff you listed can be controlled. Childbirth, well you don't have to have kids. If you do, that's a personal choice. Periods, yeah that seems like they would suck. Cellulite. solvable through dieting. Men have to be masculine, no different than women being feminine. Yeah, guys like women to be pretty, but women want guys to be handsome with a great body. Guys are judged on, at least, as much.

    • I don't think either gender has it easier. I think it's based on what a person has been given in life.

    • um k

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  • women's lives are easier, how?

    • get free stuff, have inherent value, get dates and sex easy, etc.

    • I have never received anything free just for being a woman. Your outlook on women is so messed up.

    • he lives in Narnia I think

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  • yes.

  • I think you need some therapy.

  • You should do it.

  • There's disadvantages for women as well.

    • Obviously, and though I personally find both sexes seeming very troubblesome, I also see his frustration. The female struggles are expressed everywhere, males are not socially allowed to complained, so I understand what he means. My personal opinion is not suggesting either to be worse.

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