What do guys think of virgins??

I am a virgin I am about 2 turn 20... and I am waiting for the right person and I would like 2 be married before I have sex.. What do guys think about it? Because I think their is not many guys that are virgins I don't know maybe I'm wrong
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I can understand waiting for someone that you really like instead of some jackass you met in the hallway, but waiting for marriage? Not so much in my opinion.

    I'm not sure of your reasons for wanting to be a virgin, whatever they are that's your choice and I respect that. I personally don't care if a girl is a virgin or not, you could've slept around like crazy, done gang bangs, anal, whatever, it doesn't matter to me so long as you prove that you're now looking for a serious relationship with me.

    But, one big problem could be sexual compatibility, you can meet a guy who is a virgin but has all kinds of things he wants to try, that you're not willing to. And then once you try something that he likes, you might not like it, or it works both ways, you might like it but he doesn't like it.

    Sexual compatibility can be a dealbreaker in a relationship and in my personal opinion virginity really isn't anything sacred, all it means is that you've never had sex. I have a cousin who has never flown in an airplane, does that make him an airplane virgin? I've never driven a motorcycle, am I a motorcycle virgin?

    That's just my opinion, don't worry too much about finding a virgin guy, whoever is right for you won't judge you and I'm thinking you won't judge him.

    • I think that it would be special to me and that person ... I am waiting because I just don't want to give it to a jerk and I believe in purity until marriage.. he doesn't have to be a virgin but it would be nice to find someone that waited as well

    • Well then our beliefs and opinions differ, and that's fine, we're human. If that's what you want then by all means go for it, I wish you the best.

    • Thanks

  • I think what you're doing is great, whatever your reasons. Holding to a Christian world view, as I do, I believe God expects us to act this way, and, as with all such things, there are many benefits to it if we do. For instance, in doing this, you will only attract men who respect your choice, and they will necessarily be men of character and integrity. They will also take comfort in the fact you haven't offered yourself in this way to other men, and the trust factor in your relationship will be high. No man, no matter how "enlightened" he claims to be, ever wants to think of the woman he loves being intimate at this level with another man. It's simply the way we were made. We're all hard-wired for this in a sense. So, good for you. It's a choice you will always be glad you made.

    Oh, and there are plenty of guys who are virgins, but most will not admit to it. When you find one who not only admits to it, but is proud of it, you have probably found one worth holding on to.

    • Key words:"I believeGod"... No argument or further discussion possible once those words are used..

    • ^agreed!

    • So very true, and in rereading my post, I admit to a poor choice of words (something I try not to do) in saying "I believe God expects us to act this way", rather than "I believe God designed us to act this way". In actuality, God doesn't expect anyone to act this way who doesn't choose to, and I certainly don't ever wish to push my beliefs onto anyone else. I do recognize with horror, the potential danger in this type of dogmatic insensitivity. ; - )

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Yeh I doubt I'll ever meet a guy our age that is a virgin-it seems like only girls are. I have no guy friends that are virgins but a few girls friends that are. I have been told by guys that they wish more girls were virgins, which annoyed me, because the guys that say that are usually the man whores. It's like they want a virgin but are the complete opposite themselves-hypocrites. So yeh most guys would probs prefer a virgin or at least someone that doesn't sleep around.

    • Yeah, don't want anyone too loose...

    • Lol yeh but most guys say that and are whores themselves. It's like one rule for them, another for us.

    • Society blows the girl-virginity issue out of proportion: first the preachers, then the spinsters, then the fathers and the teachers, then the girls (and the boys who are afraid their lovemaking might be compared to that of an other boy) a few hundred years ago girls married at 14 or so (about the moment they then got their menarche) which made virginity until marriage a natural thing to protect little girls.

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  • I don't see it as an issue at all. I tell you, I have never ever dated with a virgin before, but I wouldn't mind doing it if I like and possibly love the girl. If that's the case I would support her decision. If you wait until marriage you will have the benefit that every man who is looking to fool around with no compromise will walk away. Every person is entitled to their own decisions, if it is important for you, then go ahead!

    • Ya it is important for me because then I will know that it will be special for me and that person thanks.

  • actually I never had a virgin... but most of the time they feel like virgins to me.. and actually I hate that!

    • Why?

    • Have you been with a virgin? why they feel like virgins because of my size. do guys ever say that to you?

    • No, I'm a virgin. I was just curious

  • It's your choice and you're entitled to it.

    • Thanks

  • I think that is great! A girl that is a virgin is actually hard to find, because so many girls out there have been with multiple guys. As a guy, I respect that you have self control and don't just spread your legs for everyone. Trust me, you will one day find a guy who will respect you for who you are and love you no matter what.

    • Thanks I agree many girls my age are not virgins any more I am proud of myself and thanks for the encouragement. :)

  • I'm a virgin and look at my age group. From my perspective there are far less women virgins at my age than any other group. So if I were you, I wouldn't worry...

    • Thanks ya that is surprising I really haven't meet a guy that is a virgin maybe they are but they are embarrassed of saying so... I think you should be proud of yourself as well.

    • Yes well, when you play sports and weights and all that, when guys go around talking about their times doing it, you have to sit quiet twiddling your thumbs... kinda feel left out of the club.

    • But hey when you find ur special someone you won't care about that anymore.... you are so much special then them... I am sure a girl will see that

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