The MYTH of slut shaming and wanting respect yet refusing to earn it . . . .

Why is it girls don't want to be called sluts and demand respect, yet not willing to earn it? There is a new cool term floating about "slut shaming", somehow that is suppose to deter guys calling girls sluts and respect them. Yet I NEVER EVER see this accompanied by go out and earn that respect just like guys do. Now girls want equality and not be called sluts. Yet want guys do to all the work, while they just smile and take their panties off, and at the same time DEMAND that they be respected? But in what way is this equality? This is the exact reason why guys call promiscuous girls sluts to begin with, and the reason they don't respect them and never will. For some reason girls pretend not to comprehend very simple fact ... RESPECT IS EARNED NOT GIVEN. So why should guys do ALL the work, and yet girls reap the same rewards, and DEMAND they be respected. YES, it takes two to tango, girls should be free to enjoy their sexuality too, and be called studs too for being promiscuous. AS LONG AS THEY EARN IT. Who is stopping girls doing exactly the same thing guys do? So why is it guys do all the work, and girls just want to sleep around for doing squat and demand they be respected, and not be called sluts. You go out, ask guys out, get shot down, pay for drinks, dinner, play the game, you'll be respected. As you'll be respected no one will call you a slut, if slut doesn't exist to begin with. There be no such thing as slut shaming ... Simple!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Wow, someone's bitter. You still haven't gotten over that question from two days ago, have you? I can't imagine what it's like to stew in your own rage for days because people aren't conforming to the arbitrary rules you've set for them. You have all these jaded, cynical ideas in your head born of your own negative experiences and you're shocked, SHOCKED when people don't give a sh*t. Yeah, maybe you're respect is "earned" but not every body functions that way. To expect people to jump through your hoops because you have major psychological baggage is just asinine.

    Speaking of "earned" respect, did you ever think about the work women do be attractive for us? They run, they go to the gym, they count calories, they spend ridiculous sums of money on clothes and cosmetics for the privilege of having "free" sex. But that doesn't count, of course, because you said so.

    The sooner you can admit to yourself that the world "slut" is just a term for a woman who sleeps with everyone except you, the better off you'll be. "Slut shaming" is what bitter men do to get back at women who deny them and you are textbook example. Sex is a perfectly normal, natural act and therefore, it's wrong to shame someone for it for that reason alone.

    A girl who has casual sex, provided it was consensual, has done nothing morally wrong. She hasn't directly hurt anyone. She may have inadvertently hurt people by not choosing them but what is she going to do, f*** everybody just be fair? People accidentally get hurt all the time, it's ludicrous to demand contrition from a whole class of people because said people might have unconsciously slighted you. It happens all the time but you take it on the chin it because you're a fully mentally developed adult, not hold a grudge like a pre-pubescent boy. You want to make getting sex hard for women because it's hard for you and that's just childish.

    You've got a lot of growing up to do.

    • "The sooner you can admit to yourself that the world "slut" is just a term for a woman who sleeps with everyone except you, the better off you'll be." >>> Dude believe me and take my word for it. Had no shortage of GFs hence I ACTUALLY know what its like to approach girls and play the game. I ACTUALLY know what it takes. I ACTUALLY talk to hear to guys who call the girls sluts. Yet you guys are the ones ranting about being "nice guys". Don't worry guess who is desperate they will happily take

    • *them Hey genius what makes you think guys aren't judged on looks too? If you have ever actually gone out you would know. How many girls who are 7 you actually see with guys who are 2? "To expect people to jump through your hoops because you have major psychological baggage is just asinine." Who is who? Guys in general? So all the guys have psychological issues as they're the ones calling promiscuous girls sluts? Well guys NOT immensely desperate like you. Like I said guess who settles with t

    • "You want to make getting sex hard for women because it's hard for you and that's just childish. You've got a lot of growing up to do." No its called equality, and if that was the case AGAIN why are these girls called sluts then. Its GROWN men calling them. Feminists who have emasculated you preach us equality. My EXACT point was its NEVER going to change, BECAUSE guys will simply not accept it. Hence onyl way to change it EARN it, in the guys eyes who call easy girls sluts. Grow some balls.

  • I'm not a fan of slut shaming. Men can essentially behave like sluts and are viewed differently by society than promiscuous women are. It's an unfair double standard.

    That said, the below statement is 100% true about today's women. They seem to expect they deserve respect by default, without earning it like everyone else does, and when they don't get it they call it sexism and discrimination.

    "For some reason girls pretend not to comprehend very simple fact ... RESPECT IS EARNED NOT GIVEN."

    • Everyone deserves respect by default, without earning it. You too. Women too, today's or yesterday's women as well as tomorrow's.

    • Sexual respect precisely. ie not being called sluts, when guys have to all the work. If that is the case then why does the word slut exist to begin with and why do guys use it. Well then us guys have always been told wrong, respect is earned not given. That's been drilled into us forever.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't understand peoples obsession other peoples lives.

    I don't agree with promiscuous behavior from guys AND girls. Its just not my point of view. But I don't go around blaming other people for their life decisions.

    You might say you don't care but by calling a girl a slut you're trying to make her feel bad about herself. Telling her she is not worth your respect because she doesn't act like you want her to.

    And that just won't get in my head. I honestly don't even understand what you're so angry about.

    Is it because you have to approach the girls ?

    What you're saying is that a girls that doesn't approach a guy is a slut ?

    Or is a girl that has sex with a lot of guys a slut ?

    or a girl that doesn't approach the guys she sleeps with a slut ?

    you're somewhere in your early 30s and you just sound like a hurt immature little boy to me.

    You know no one forces you to buy drinks. A drink doesn't make me fall for a guy or make me want to have sex with him. Not a girls fault if you don't know how to present yourself without your wallet.

    I can't even answer this question without knowing what exactly your point is

    • - Yes the reason guy are admired and called studs because they go through all the trouble - As girls do nothing they are called sluts - if they want to be respected as guys and not called sluts ie want equality, then give the same equality to men, hence go out and ask guys out, pay for dates drinks etc, basically what girls expect guys do to - Only then you will have respect because you earned it.

    • - No I just find it hypocritical that girls don't want to be called sluts, yet want a free ride. Make guys do ALL the work and yet reap the same rewards, have their cake and eat it too. Just because you didn't like the points raised does not make me immature, I can say the same thing about you. You're argument was exactly the same, girls should eb able to sleep around, and should have to do nothing, and still be respected. You can re-read my question again for what guys think.

    • What if two individuals meet on the street or some web site and agree to have a meaningless hook up, no drinks or dinner. Who is the slut then ?

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  • You wouldn't be called a slut, you are right. You would be called desperate as a woman who bribes men to sleep with her and considered pathetic. So I guess the options for women are slut or desperate really...

    Also things like the slut walk started because of men calling women sluts simply because of how they dressed as you can see in other questions. Women that don't dress in turtle necks are responsible for their own rapes and the police said this to one woman who was raped. He said something along the lines of "Well what did you expect you look like a slut!". Being called a slut has nothing to do with what a woman actually even does its perception. I mean every girl that you call or think of as a slut do you have 100% proof of all the men she has slept with and not just gossip?

    • "Also things like the slut walk started because of men calling women sluts simply because of how they dressed as you can see in other questions"

      Hey I 100% supported slut walk, counter argued these people om forums. No there is absolutely no reason for rape, check my ans here;


    • The question was specifically meant in response to questions this week. That girls who are promiscuous they shouldn't be called sluts, and guys respect them. My question was explaining why they are called sluts or easy, and why guys call them sluts. Just because you make a term like slut shaming it wouln't change anything. So if you want to change that you have to take specific steps yourselves and earn that respect. That's the only way, if that wasn't the case there eb no such thing as sluts.

    • It's sad how many people disagree with us. I asked a question recently and all but 2 women believed that a woman was liable and compared dressing inappropriately, to leaving a car unlocked and having it stolen, talk about objectification. Anyway, I honestly disagree with your point about earning respect when it comes to sex, men f*** women, not the other way around and being f***ed isn't a good thing think about how it is used outside of sex. Being screwed over women are the sexual playthings.

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  • i considered writting a real answer until I read the last pargraph. Those two things have absolutley nothing to do with each other

    • How so?

    • well for once there is a difference between not respecting someone and disrespecting someone. It's OK not to respect people, it's not OK to disrespect them. The to earn respect you need to know something about that person and people call a girl a slut when they just see her walking by for 2 seconds. And all that has nothing to do with who asks who out. I don't even know what is going on in your head to make that connection

    • But you knew exactly what I meant, but just like every girl here your main problem is that how dare someone say girls should have to approach too, and yet how dare they still not respect them. From my question; "You go out, ask guys out, get shot down, pay for drinks, dinner, play the game, you'll be respected. As you'll be respected no one will call you a slut, if slut doesn't exist to begin with. There be no such thing as slut shaming ... Simple!"

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6 7
  • oh my lord...can we stop with these bullsh*t questions? ?(?_??)

    • In what way is it bullsh*t though.

    • these Q's have been on this site every damn day lately-just respect the choices of others if they don't hurt anyone.

    • Exactly hence my argument from guys perspective. That is the point guys never will because they're the one's who scored and earned it. Again you said the same thing we should be able to do nothing, guys do all the work, yet still respect us. My point being its never goign to happen, due to reasons mentioned above. Give men the same equality and do the same work to earn respect, or keep being called and judged as sluts. Guys are never going to give respect with having earned it.

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  • Hmm, interesting. Id like to meet these girls that demand respect yet not willing to earn it. Id be so happy to give them a slap of reality; Demon scream Marine Drill Instructor style ;)

  • What a bullsh*t rant. What's your point? Do you even know? Anyway, when you say "respect is earned not given" that's bogus. It implies that you cannot have a shred of respect for someone you know nothing about, because you would not have any basis upon which to judge how much respect they have earned. But I'm pretty sure there is such a thing as "baseline respect", i.e. a certain amount of respect you confer upon a stranger just by virue of their being a human being. This respect can then be altered in light of new information - e.g. you find out they are an idiot, and the level of respect you confer upon them is reduced - but it doesn't start out as zero.

    • So you're happy with guys having to do all the work, girls doing absolutely nothing. Sleep with as many guys they want, 10, 20, 30. And you would have no problem with it?

    • I'll put it this way. Let's suppose I have a female colleague with whom I enjoy chatting at the water cooler during breaks, but about whom I know very little. By what I have said in my answer, it follows that I would have for her a certain "baseline" respect. Let us suppose I then find out that she has slept with 58 men in the past three years. I would not respect her any less. Does that answer your question?

    • Hey your choice man, I respect that. Just like I with majority of guys will never respect her.

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  • Well because slutty girls are usually praised and asked out a lot while the prudes are pressured into sex.

  • You are 100% correct my friend.

  • I would agree that feminists can not demand equality and still expect men to pay for everything

  • Lol you have a lot of growing up to do. Last time I checked girls don't respect man whores either.

    • Lol Another girl who wants her cake and eat it too. Last time I checked guys still don't have a problem getting more girls, yet guy with any options wouln't settle with a slut. Time for girls to grow up and earn that respect if they don't want to be called sluts, or quit whining about being called sluts.

    • Don't pretend like you know me on a personal level. I don't know where you live nor do I care but guys are labeled stuff too. You'd be surprised how many men really don't even care about woman's past. Apparently you haven't left middle school yet

    • Yet you seem pretty keen on throwing insults at me like you know me? I wouldn't be surprised as I am a man. Those men who wouldn't have a problem are also the guys those same girls didn't give them time of day. Majority of men do. Hence the term slut or slut shaming to begin with.

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  • Well, your account about things is quite different from others.

  • i gree that respect should be earned. but not with everything you said.

  • just do what you want to do and don't care about others

    • Will this be same from girls too, and don't care about us when we call promiscuous girls sluts or refuse to date them? Because I genuinely didn't care at all, could care less, yet there were questions about slut shaming trying to paint us as monsters.

    • i would never care about what people say, I know who I am and I know what makes me me, my sex life is not everything that portrays me

  • Mostly it is women calling other women sluts, not men. Of course we should judge women by the decisions they have made, just like they should judge us for the decisions we have made. I would never make fun of a woman for being a slut. She might be a wonderful person that I could be great friends with. I just wouldn't consider having a serious relationship with her. Just like a woman wanting a serious relationship shouldn't date a player. Not wanting a relationship with someone because of their past is not slut shaming.

    • I suspect that women calling other women sluts have two reasons: -To feel better themselves (similar to racists feeling 'better than' other races.) -To turn guys away from girls they perceive to be in competition with them. A bit like a politician telling that the other politician will ruin the country or raise taxes or a writer telling us that another writer can't write.

    • I think you may be right.

    • Here here fellas!

  • why don't you just do your own thing and forget about it. guys odont do all the work, and well yeah some girls are easy but you can't generalize.

    • Then why don't girls do their thing and keep pestering us with slut shaming? I would definitely like to know in what way guys don't do all the work, and I genuinely mean it.

  • Are you certain "slut shaming"is supposed to deter guys calling girls sluts and respect them?"

    My impression is that it's much more about picking out a girl and bullying her about her sexual reputation.

    I quote from Wikipedia :


    Slut shaming (also hyphenated, as slut-shaming) is defined as the act of making a woman feel guilty or inferior for engaging in certain sexual behaviors that deviate from traditional or orthodox gender expectations, or that which may be considered to be contrary to natural or supernatural/religious law. Some examples of behaviors which women are "slut-shamed" over include: dressing in sexually provocative ways, requesting access to birth control,[1][2][3] or even for being raped or sexually assaulted.


    Slut shaming is a process in which women are attacked for their transgression of accepted codes of sexual conduct,[5] i.e. of admonishing them for behavior or desires that are more sexual than society finds acceptable.[6] Emily Bazelon says that slut shaming is "retrograde, the opposite of feminist. Calling a girl a slut warns her that there's a line: she can be sexual but not too sexual."[7]

    Slut shaming is used against women by both men and women.[8] Jessica Ringrose has argued that it functions among women as a way of sublimating sexual jealousy "into a socially acceptable form of social critique of girls' sexual expression."[5] It is also used as a form of victim blaming for rape and sexual assault, e.g. by claiming the crime was caused (either in part or in full) by the woman wearing revealing clothing or previously acting in a forward, sexual manner before not consenting to sex.[4]

    Read it completely here: link

    --------End of quote.

    That's not exactly what you're depicting, isn't it?

    • Nope, not at all. I'm interpreting as well pretty much in my question.

    • since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut shaming is counterproductive to the aims of most men and quite a few ladies. link

    • Those guys will never get laid to begin with. Do sluts actually sleep with those guys until its time to settle? So nothing will change for those guys. And like I said even if you are 100% correct, guys will simply never accept it. As they have to put in all the work. Girls still reap the same rewards but do nothing, hence guys will continue calling them sluts.

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