Social Justice vs. Social Justice Crusade


This is a purely frustrated Take. It's always those with power who are scrutinized the most and in the spirit of that I think more crticisim should be made for the "social justice warriors" who go around judgmentally pointing fingers and accusing people of racism, sexism, homophobia, agism, elitism, etc. in order to incite others towards hating said person or, at the least, jumping on them for some sort of apology or public silencing. It's a nuanced issue because of course we need people stop hateful, violent people from seizing power to hurt others especially disenfranchised minorities, but the problem becomes when those people somehow ordained to monitor society go way overboard with their power and start stomping any sort of dissenting voice to their own. People need to be able to have their own opinions as long as they don't harm others. Trying to force some perfect society where everyone only says one thing and believes one thing and there's one mandated acceptable way of looking at the world is just creating a lot of unhappy, repressed attitudes about each other and the worst resentment I feel personally is for the people who won't shut up and not make every discussion about trying to grab the higher ground. For instance, I'm of mixed race, of course I would like every white person to find tan and dark complexioned skin attractive, but unlike a lot of mixed race people on here if a white person goes "no, white skin is prettiest" I'm not going to go "All of the skintones are pretty equally." What? That isn't there truth that's SOME people's truths.

But if someone who isn't the preference reads that they will feel bad. Don't they matter?!

Social Justice vs. Social Justice Crusade

Hey, don't judge us! Even though we all claim to not care what anyoen thinks it somehow hurts us when other people think we have flaws!

No, clearly not to this conversation. Why would they want to matter to this conversation? Why would they want to bend reality so that they can be desired as equally as everyone else by this specific person? And even if they do, is the solution to just silence that person and tell them that they're simply wrong to feel the way they feel to like what they like? to be who they are? No, better engage their views and see if perhaps it's lack of exposure to a race etc. At least there's progress towards connection rather than mutual resentment. People have been given power because it's in vogue right now to call someone out and defend the little man. Don't abuse it by calling out people who don't deserve it. It's disrespectful since you're diminishing it's meaning through overuse.

So you're saying we should just let someone bully another person when we have the power to stop them?

Social Justice vs. Social Justice Crusade

How do you defeat a bully? You bully that bully.

Simply put, yes. Let's take a well known example: Kanye West embarreses Taylor Swift and says Beyonce deserves the Awaard. This should have only been a matter for Kanye and The Grammy Awards since he went off teleprompter. Kanye definitly bullied the poor girl, but don't you all remember a time when we would have wanted Taylor to pick herself up and fight back and be strong on her own?! Yet, the entire country exploded to her defense and honestly this seems to be one of the first of many instances of the country jumping on certain individuals for not conforming to the group think. Sure, in this case, it might have been for the better since she didn't at all deserve that humiliation, however, I think it set a bad precedent where everyone has to "behave according to the rules of intense political correctness." I'm NOT saying people should be allowed to show swastikas or even confederate flags neccessarily since it could have been a contributing factor to certain shootings, but what I'm saying is trying to eliminate all rude opinions whatsoever and demonizing anyone with a dissenting voices is, itself, bullying.

What about the psychological damange that certain things that people say about other people can do to those people who were tsaid damaging things to?

Social Justice vs. Social Justice Crusade

It's so normal for women out of college to still be crying about mean things their boyfriend tells them..."

I agree that exists and again to extent there needs to be some monitoring. However, one could easily argue that being teased, insulted, and treated unfairly at least once in your life is a natural part of growing up. The world isn't fair, some people won't like you and you will have done nothing to them to deserve it, some jerks will get ahead in life despite making others feel bad. These are realizations that snap into focus as the prom queen is also the validvictorian and the varsity mvp, the girl you asked to prom says no and later after prom you find her crying because, after having sex, the guy she did go with took off on her, you get someone who seems to inexplicably hate you and devotes his or her life to crushing your self esteem at any popssible turn. What I'm saying in perhaps too verbose a way is that yes someonetimes the pain is so harsh we crumble, but many times its only once we've been put through it that we rise into the phoenix of our adulthood. We develop thicker skin, we learn to handle life's dissapoints, we understand that people aren't perfect or even that nice but that's ok. I think shutting out all but once incredibly politically correct voice is going to stunt growth rather than encourage it. I would spend more time teaching kids that what others say doesn't matter and less time rounding up all the bullies in school and beating them senseless.

So, when you go onto a question or a take or just straight to the comments section...see how many upvotes anyone who defends anyone over anything gets even if in the process they're aggresvily insulting the person who is supposedly too insulting and see how many downvotes someone who supports someone with a dissenting voice gets. It's just sad to me...

Social Justice vs. Social Justice Crusade
5 Opinion