Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct


Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct

You have been warned!

So I've come across a trend not just on GAG but in real life as well that annoys the crap out of me.

Can you guess what it is?

Its people bitching about how tough their life supposedly is and how offended they are by something someone said.


You are just a pussy who thinks playing the victim will get you attention.

Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct

So what if you can't get laid or someone doesn't like you. There are people who have it a million times worse than you. You don't get to complain.

If something went wrong in your life stop blaiming other people because you know damn well that.

Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct

As for being offended, you need to grow up. Seriously there will be plenty of people that disagree with you. You can't shut them out because "they hurt your feelings" otherwise you turn into a dogmatic cry baby.

Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct

Society is even pushing on getting rid of bullying because some people are just too damn sensitive. You know what, I was bullied and it helped make me the man I am today. Otherwise I would've been a pussy my whole life. People need to learn to stand up for themselves.

Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct

When even left wingers realize it than you know it's a problem.

Even the Russian propaganda network understands it.

So please people quit your bitching. Toughen up and stop being so damn sensitive and politically correct.

Quit your bitching and stop being so politically correct
41 Opinion