Would it really hurt to smile a little more?


Would it really hurt to smile a little more?

What do you generally do in regards to interacting with cashiers when at a clothing store or grocery store checkout line? How do you acknowledge the bus driver when you get on a bus, if anything at all?

This morning I was taking public transit to my morning class and cross from me was seated a young boy I've previously seen on transit before. When I turned around and glanced at him, he gave me a smile. My response? Nothing. Poker-face. I promptly turned away and dismissed there having been any sort of friendly gesture from his side. Shortly after which, I asked myself why? Why couldn't I just smile? Would it really cost me anything to do something so simple? This boy was absolutely harmless, couldn’t have been much past 13 years of age. That's not the first time I've noticed that. Whether it be on campus with the workers at the cafe in which I generally spend the most time studying around 4 days per week or in the gym where I've been seeing the same crowd of guys semi-regularly thought-out the week for over a year, why can't I smile? I'm not the only one. Generally it's two mutual blank stares exchanged. It's the odd time when one of those fellow regulars does shoot me a smile and I look at them as if they're a martian or something. As if their smile invaded my privacy bubble. Crossed the line?

Would it really hurt to smile a little more?

I remember the days when I was a kid, 10 years old. I'd shoot smiles to everyone. Walking to the corner store with a best friend to grab a slurpee, chat up the cashier. Say 'Hi!' with a cheery smile to everyone I passed, whether I knew them or not. Now it's more like I pull out my phone or just look everywhere but. What happened to the days when it was okay to interact with each other, even if you weren’t all that familiar with the individual? I did that up to around the time I turned 16. It got to me that my smiles or even a casual 'hi' would be ignored. I decided to blend in with the masses.

This year, with myself on public transit at least 2x/day, I've made it a goal of mine to start smiling more. Getting on the bus, I always say 'hi' and smile at the driver. I've watched far too many people get on, deposit their fare and not even so much glance at him before finding themselves a seat. Has it already gotten to us no longer treating each other, fellow human beings, with respect? Are we already so lost in our digital worlds, in our own minds, that something so simple as a smile that can really brighten your day if even just one person returns it is a thing of the past?

Would it really hurt to smile a little more?

Make it your own goal. Smile at a set amount of people every day. Not someone you already know or are familiar with. Smile at your neighbour if you cross paths, say hi to the post-man, to the barista, anyone. It doesn't take a lot, but really has the potential to make someone's day a whole lot happier.

Would it really hurt to smile a little more?
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