Why saying feminism is equality for all and wants to help men also is only going to make men not want to help it even more


But that's completely irraitonal. Why would they hate something if it's presented to them in a way that wants to help them?

Why saying feminism is equality for all and wants to help men also is only going to make men not want to help it even more.

Because they can see past that presentation for what feminism really is. The original definition of feminism while on the surface looks very similar to the current definition it actually is very different if you look at it carefully. I'm not going to lie I had a very difficult time finding the original definition of feminism because when I asked for the ORIGINAL definition I was only offered the current definition. But after some searching I came to find that feminism originated from the french word FĂ©minisme which is "define, promote and establish the rights of women in civil society". This definition is the one that was used particularly during the first wave feminism movement fighting for womens suffrage.

But that sounds basically the same as the current definition what's your point?

The current definition of feminism has two meanings at least how it's written in Merriam-Webster (1)"the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes." (2) "organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests"

Definition number one is the one most people who try to advocate for feminism will use. However, definition number 2 is more closely related to the original definition of feminism. The difference being between the original definition of feminism along with the second definition and the first Merriam-Webster definition is that definition number one claims to fight for everyones rights whereas the original definitions are about promoting women where they are disadvantaged. They have no inclusion about the disadvantages of people outside of themselves. Websters first definition includes this semantically however.

But is it actually true? I mean definitions have changed all the time in Merriam-Websters so we shouldn't claim it to be an objective fact just because it's in the currrent edition of the dictionary because it could be different in the future just as it was different in the past and objectivity doesn't change.

So why are feminists trying to really drive this first Merriam-Webster definition home? Because they are afraid of looking sexist by going by the original definition or the second one because it isn't as inclusive. They don't want to be called the very thing they claim to fight. They also want men to help them with their issues and by saying it'll include men they think men will join. Because what individual wouldn't join a cause that claims it wants to help that individual out with their struggles.

Why saying feminism is equality for all and wants to help men also is only going to make men not want to help it even more

Here's the thing though. SAYING feminism is for men and it ACTUALLY BEING for men are two different things. Ladies. Most men believe in the philosophy that actions speak louder than words. There has not been a whole lot of action on behalf of men by feminists(yes there are some individuals who identity as feminists that are very proactive for me) but on whole it's mostly just been about womens issues and womens issues alone. Saying it's for men is not going to make them join because they see that your actions and your words do not match up. That is going to make them hate you more. It's like watching a politican making promises and the viewer knows they're just saying that to get into office. It makes you like them less because now on top of everything they were before they're now a liar in the viewers eyes. And that's how you feminists are viewed by men by saying you stand for them as well. It completely backfires in every way. You say something trying to recruit them but you only reaffirmed their disdain for you.

Here's the thing though that may surprise feminists and piss off some people who actually aren't feminists. IT'S OK THAT IT'S A MOVEMENT SPECIFICALLY FOR WOMEN AND NOT FOR MEN. There is nothing wrong with that. The fact is women face many struggles that men don't(yes it's true in reverse but for right now I'm specifically addressing womens issues). Just because you are focusing most of your energy on issues that directly affect you doesn't make you a bad person. Those are issues that do need to be addressed. Just own the movement for what it really is. A movement for women. Saying it's also for men is only going to hurt you because then they just think you'll say anything to get what you want without ever actually backing up your words which most people frown upon. I'm a guy but I care about womens issues and I just think that feminism will get farther if they drop the whole equality thing and own the identity of addressing specifcally womens issues. Just because it's specifically for women doesn't mean won't want to help. Them feeling decieved is what will make them not want to help. Many guys will gladly help women out without without expecting a reward of their own. I am trying to get involved in a group that helps people out in Darfur and I clearly do not live in Darfur so it's clearly not a movement trying to help me but that doesn't make me want to help it any less. Some people just enjoy helping others. Ladies you don't need to be afraid to ask to have issues that directly affect you. Nice men will galdly help out even if you didn't talk about their issues.

Why saying feminism is equality for all and wants to help men also is only going to make men not want to help it even more

Why saying feminism is equality for all and wants to help men also is only going to make men not want to help it even more
11 Opinion