America's Collapse: Four Ideologies And Their Presidential Candidates


The United States of America was founded on the principle of individual rights. Unfortunately, from the very start, the USA has failed to apply the principle consistently. With some welcome exceptions (such as the abolition of race-based chattel slavery), the USA has been in a losing struggle against an anti-individual culture. Yes, despite what the libertarians say, culture and ethics and fundamental philosophy do matter, which is why America has ended up with politicians such as these.

Donald Trump: nationalism

America's collapse: four ideologies and their presidential candidates

The Donald has flip-flopped on many things, but on one thing he has been consistent: he views commerce as a war of one nation against another. He views Mexican immigrants and Chinese businessmen as the enemy, never stopping to think that Americans may actually be benefiting from from the dynamic competition that free trade encourages.

Bernie Sanders: classism

America's Collapse: Four Ideologies And Their Presidential Candidates

Bern doesn't want the Donald to divide Americans but proceeds to scapegoat the rich (poor people are not all bad, but rich people apparently are and have to 'give back' even if they never 'took'). Bern wants ordinary Americans to have a bigger slice of the pie... while never mentioning where the pie came from in the first place. Bern cares about inequality of all kinds... income inequality... wealth inequality... health inequality... because, if you have cancer, you're going to feel less bad about it, if your millionaire employer also has cancer. Because you are vicious and envy-driven, right?

Ted Cruz: religionism

America's Collapse: Four Ideologies And Their Presidential Candidates

Ted thinks America would be a much better place, if it were to be converted from a secular republic to a Christian theocracy. What the US, a country that endured a baptism of fire courtesy of Muslim pirates and that now again faces the forces of international jihad, needs apparently is more religion. Prosperity and security come from rationality, not from faith, but Ted doesn't know or just doesn't care. Since Americans don't have the resolve to defeat the jihadis (you can thank the ethics of altruism for that), perhaps they should just elect Ted and be done with it.

Hillary Clinton: feminism

America's Collapse: Four Ideologies And Their Presidential Candidates

America really is 'ready for Hillary'. America is ready for a woman whose 'career' is a by-product of her husband's. America is ready for a woman who whines about 'misogyny', while turning a blind eye to actual abuses against women a little closer to home. America is ready for a Commander-in-Chief who feels that "Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat". And, of course, there's going to be more welfare under Clinton, because, you know, feminism supports female independence. The self-pity, the utter lack of awareness, the feeling of entitlement... If only Hillary had the energy to storm university campuses and to shriek her head off, she would be the perfect feminist candidate.

America's Collapse: Four Ideologies And Their Presidential Candidates
12 Opinion