Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day


Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #1

It may seem obvious, but to survive the struggles of the day that lays ahead of you you are going to NEED to train and train hard. The incessant pestering from your collegues, your friends, your family on why you are still single are going to require some escape routs and you need to be fit enough to get through them in a short amount of time.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #2

Chocolate. Eat it. Double the amount.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #3

Public bathrooms most of all. You know what I'm talking about... Also beware of any holes on the walls...any noises and anything unusual you might encounter along the way. This goes for all you club dwellers!

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #4

Always put on your seatbelt. A no brainer, you might think, but an intoxicated or a depressed person rarely think about their own safety. That's one of the most important things when it comes to surviving Zombiel/ waaaaait - Valentine's Day.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #17

Do NOT be a hero. Whatever romantic opportunity may present itself infront of you be strong. Do not succumb to temptation just because you're feeling lonely or whatever. Chivlary is one thing, but when it comes to them or you, you choose you, buddy.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #18

If it DOES come to that moment when you're about to get down and dirty...limber up. Of course, don't bee too obvious - this is what your 'freshen up' moment is for. Use it wisely.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #22

This rules comes back to Rule #1 but it can also stand on its own. If it turns out the person you've eded up is not to your liking do not hesitate to use one of those escape routes. If you do not know the area you're in remember the rules #1 and #17.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #31

This one is for the more paranoid amongst you. Checking the back seat is something people do regardless of what day it is, but Valentines Day just seems like one of those days where the back seat should really be checked out more than usual. A helpful tip: just drag three more people with you wherever you go and wait for them to get into the car before you. That way you know you're safe. xD

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rule #32

Aaaaand finally! This one is my personal favorite. At the end of the day (or right when you wake up - your call) sit back, relax, eat whatever you want because it's obviously a cheat day, watch some spectacular movie, TV Series or read a good book and remember - life is made up of little things.

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day

Rules for surviving Zombi/ NO, waaait - Valentine's Day
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