The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West

The shocking, tragic truth about young boys and men in the west.

Men in the west are victims of a very well constructed farce, a farce that leaves no one laughing in the end though. Victims of a brutal, inhuman system that teaches them that it is "unmanly" to show emotions. That it is a privilege only women should have, and that men are not allowed to express themselves this way. Thus the creation of the creature called modern brutal macho "man". Boys are indoctrinated from a little age, that to be strong and to survive in this jungle of a society you should be ruthless and unemotional as a robot.

That is a breeding ground for hundreds of the psychological problems that are dominant in the west, and make society only sink deeper in depression, alienation and all the outbursts and manifested forms of modern violence. There is violence everywhere. Violence in movies, in video games, in the families themselves, in the very relationships of government and citizens, in-between couples etc. And men are the big losers of this game having the least potential and chance to express themselves and let go of all that inner suffering and concentrated disaffection. It's like a big time bomb that any moment in the future can burst in our hands.

The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West

Women furthermore enhance this by the gynocentric agenda that is pushed, which achieves another feat of inhumanism. The demonizing of male to male touch. Either it is caressing, hugging, kissing or any form of intimacy. It is scientifically proven that men need affection as any other human. Since we were little, our parents touch is the first sign of human love and affection towards the baby. It helps it build a strong confidence, have a healthy upbringing and even enhances its immune system and set the very foundations of its health. But women managed through stigma and shaming to monopolize this power and concentrate it in their hands.

By monopolizing touch towards males, and deeming improper and "gay" any form of loving, brotherly touch between male friends, they managed to deprive men from any alternatives to their own affection. This way men are even more enslaved to the need of female affection, giving women even more "market value" and power if you want. And boys are also taught from a young age, that to "appeal" to the "other gender" they must be "alpha", and dark triad, and a step-on-dead-bodies-to-win kind of figure. But they don't realise this backfires in the end on women themselves in various direct and indirect ways.

The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West
The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West

It is considered normal for men to be cold, and to show no signs of emotional response to the external stimuli and events of your daily life. "Men don't cry" said probably a woman once. And this expression sums up pretty well society's idea of what men "should look like". Even here you see girls asking "My boyfriend is shy/emotional/too expressive in texting etc is he gay?". This idea has penetrated in the very depths of western society and is dominant in people's minds altogether. Wether this will prove destructive in the next years it is something we have yet to wait and see.

The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West

Now close minded societal fellas begin with your homophobic (while we dont even discuss homosexuality here but you are expected to misinterpret) rants... .

The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West

P.S. These happy, bright, vibrant, lively eyes is what most men lose while growing up through the process of emotional castration and zombification in modern society. (Combined of course with all the false anxieties, stresses and materialistic dreams we have been given). A look we should all strive to keep for a life.

"Be in the heart like children cause the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these... ".

The Shocking, Tragic Truth about Young Boys and Men in the West
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