7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary


Before I start, I should say not EVERY policeman is like that. Sure there are decent ones, but from my personal experience and from what I've seen in my area, I came to the conclusion MOST people who work for the police, are taking advantage of their position. In other words they are abusing their powers. So more or less I believe, it would be better if police didn't exist. Of course there are going to be people who won't be benefited if it happened (see #1), but most people would be benefited.

(In alphabetical order.)

1) Bodyguards of the few

7 Reasons Why Police Is Actually Needless.

They define themselves as "protectors of the citizens", but it's far from true. They are just bodyguards of the few. Those few are usually rich people (politicians, businessmen, etc) or banks, and of course people who have cops as friends and they're connected to the police (more likely those are the people who can get a permission for gun ownership, if in case you're living in a country where gun ownership is illegal for citizens.)

2) Bullies with uniforms

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary

Many people might say "They are doing their job.". I don't agree though. I don't consider it proper behavior, if you don't have an ID card to ask you a bunch of nonsense questions for example. First of all whoever has an ID card on doesn't mean he/she is a saint, and a person who doesn't have an ID card on, doesn't mean he/she is a bad person either. I've been caught without carrying an ID card, and they asked me at least thrice "What's your name?" and if I've been to the court before. Also they were having a sarcastic behavior towards me. Obviously they were asking on purpose in order to "trick" me. A ridiculous trick coming from them actually. Anyone with some basic intelligence at least, could realize it.

3) Immigrants aren't bad by default

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary

People who work for the police are heavily prejudiced towards immigrants and they're more likely to get arrested even for not serious reasons. Ironically those who hate immigrants (whether they are cops or civilians) are usually immigrants themselves (at least in America). See the comic strip above to see what I mean exactly.

4) Legal criminals

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary

As we all know, whoever works for the police doesn't get lots of money. At least in a legal way. They can make a fortune via corruption though. Whilst they're supposed to be "against criminals", there are many cases where cops are involved. It's not difficult to give "asylum" to a drug dealer or an illegal nightclub owner if you have your share as well. It can happen from low rank to high rank officers.

5) Lust for promotion

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary

Most policemen, would do anything possible to get promoted. Let's not hide it. See #1 as i mentioned above. They'll more likely bully the "bad" teenager who draws graffiti to a wall because it's "illegal". It will help their career if they do it. And no, graffiti is not illegal, but a form of art. Only right-wing conservatives and cops consider it a bad thing, whilst the walls aren't even their own. Why do you care? And if we follow their logic, then they shouldn't walk on the street either . They step on it, so they make it dirty.

6) Sarcasm and irony

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary

Actually it's one of their most common traits. I've seen videos from police offices where they're being sarcastic against people. See #2 as an example, and I'm not the only one who witnessed it.

7) Thieves won't get caught

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary

Someone robbed you in the street? OK bad for you. But it's useless to report it to the police, since the thief won't be found easily. Simply because you have no documents. A description like "tall young guy, thin, with black hair" won't help at all. And most likely they won't give a damn about it, since they'd rather pick an easier job to do (see #5)

So, now I'm going to ask you (mainly those who support the police). How many times police has been actually helpful to you? And I don't mean by pointing you to a certain direction. That's nothing. I mean about something more important, like the one I mentioned in #7. Personally, my answer is zero times in total. And for many people I know as well.

7 Reasons Why The Police Force is Unnecessary
13 Opinion