There's No Need to Freaking Brag or Complain About Being Attractive


So I'm sorry but this might turn into a little rant.

There Is No Need to Fucking Brag or Complain About Being Attractive

Recently, there was a take I skimmed through about how being good looking wasn't "all it's cracked up to be", and I took away from it that he was 1. complaining and 2. showing off that he was good looking. Attractive people whom know they're attractive tend to be cocky about it.

Now don't get me wrong, I want people to know they're attractive, confidence is sexy and confidence makes someone feel better about themselves. However, cockiness is annoying and unattractive. There is no reason to say "because I'm hot." unless you're talking about temperature. I don't care if it's being said every now an then but when you're so cocky about your looks, it tends to make you look 100 times less attractive then you are, and usually very annoying.

Since the second grade all the way up to 10th grade (about 8 years), I was bullied for my looks. I was always considered ugly, because of acne, glasses, my hair and eventually because of my small breasts. I was so self conscious, I wore mainly jeans and band shirts, wore a lot of makeup (but it wasn't untasteful) and I hated myself. Now somewhere in 10th grade, I opened up a bit. I began wearing leggings, dresses, and skirts, and wearing less makeup (now it's mainly for my eyes). In 10th grade, when I did this, guys began touching my ass. It would be in class or in the hallway at random times. Sometimes I didn't know who it was, but when I did I flipped shit on them. Not because I "know I'm hot" or anything, but because they touched my ass. My self esteem is still shit, even with these guys "complimenting" me (I know some asshole will say they were compliments by touching my ass.) If someone compliments you and says "I know, thank you" then that's fine in my opinion. But just saying "I know", is a cocky and annoying reply.

My self esteem has gotten better though, and i feel better about my looks. I know I'm not the best looking out there, but now I've realized that I don't look like complete shit everyday. And surprisingly enough, I know people who aren't my family that actually thinks I'm pretty. It's crazy, in my opinion really, and now I feel better about my looks, but I'm not cocky about it.

When someone complains about how being good looking is so difficult for X, Y and Z reasons, it's literally just another way to show off that they're good looking. We get it! You're attractive! We don't need to be reminded every god damn day. Complaining about being attractive (in my eyes) is just like complaining about having too much money.

Now let me clarify to you internet users because I know you try to start fights or take everything offensively; I want people to know they're beautiful, I want them to love themselves with all their flaws. I can't make someone not be cocky but I don't exactly enjoy when an individual is a cocky motherfucker.

TLDR: Don't be a cocky sunofabitch, but love yourself. Nobody enjoys cocky assholes.

There's No Need to Freaking Brag or Complain About Being Attractive

There's No Need to Freaking Brag or Complain About Being Attractive
22 Opinion