America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

When I say rest of the world, it doesn't mean ALL countries are included. But most. Anyway, it's a fact, that Americans want to feel different than the rest of the world, and follow their own way in things. 15 of those things are...

(In alphabetical order)

1) Americans believe the world revolves around them. The rest of the world considers their country, just another one country in the worldwide map.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Actually the truth is, this idea has passed to the other countries as well, believing America is the center of the world. Wrong. America is just another country in the world map, nothing more nothing less. There is NO center of the world!

2) Americans don't make negotiations or do any research before they buy something. The rest of the world does.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

The reason why they don't? It's because they consider it a big shame for someone to be poor. They might buy something that actually costs $20, at a price of $60, just in order to show off they have money. I have experience on this field since I sell stuff frequently, and many Americans have bought from me. Guess what? NOBODY asked for a lower price. Where I live, there were many cases where they asked for a better price. So figure out how bad at negotiations Americans are. It's not a shame to be poor. But it's idiotic to pay something at a higher price, when you can find it much cheaper.

3) Americans eat at restaurants frequently. The rest of the world eats at restaurants occasionally.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

The reason why this is happening, is because restaurants in America have big portions compared to international portions, and the food is cheaper. Eventually this has made many Americans lose interest in cooking, since they learn to eat at restaurants from a young age. The rest of the world eats there only at occasions (birthday parties for example).

4) Americans hate prostitution. The rest of the world (among developed countries) doesn't.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Apart from Nevada, prostitution is illegal anywhere else in America. America is the only developed country, that doesn't accept prostitution whether it's organized or not. In the rest of the world (especially in Western Europe), guys go at brothels or pay escorts if in case they are single. Still, Americans tend to respect Porn Stars more, mostly because they make more money.

5) Americans marry and have kids at a young age. The rest of the world (especially in Europe) doesn't.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Many people my age (24-25) in America, or even some years younger than me, are already married and have kids. As for the rest of the world, maybe in Asian or African countries they marry and have kids at a young age as well, but definitely not in Europe. In Europe being married at 25, is really weird in our days. And if you have kids, it's weirder five times more. Not to mention, in America wedding is such a big and overproduced event, as much as Olympic Games (you won't believe how much money they spend for weddings), whilst in other countries it's just something typical, and nothing more.

6) Americans name their kids based on trends. The rest of the world names their kids, in the traditional way.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

One of the worst things in American culture in my opinion. Parents name their kids based on some character from a TV/movie characters or from a song. Really awful. And that's the reason why name frequencies don't remain static, unlike the rest of the world where kids take the name from someone from their family. Ironically, Americans are people who dislike trends. And among all trends they picked the worst as their favorite. THIS!

7) Americans still use imperial system. The rest of the world uses metric system.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Their system is more complicated indeed, so it seems like they want to make foreigners' lives difficult when they come to America, and learn how to calculate in Imperial System.

8. Americans tip ridiculously high. The rest of the world tips no more than 5-10%, or they just pay what they see on the bill.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

In America tips 30%, 40%, or even 50% are common. In fact you are almost forced to tip! If you pay just what you see on the bill, you are going to get a few punches for sure. In the rest of the world, nobody tells you something if you just pay what you see on the bill.

9) Americans value virginity a lot. In the rest of the world is insignificant.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Maybe in Asian countries they still do as well, but definitely not in Europe. In America though there are still many people, including young people as well, who consider sleeping around a bad thing, and they would never consider sex before marriage. That's why the high percentage of people in their 20s who are virgins in America, compared with the other developed countries.

10) In America, guys are "afraid" to wear "flamboyant" colors. In the rest of the world guys don't mind.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

For example an American guy would feel afraid to wear red shoes, or a pink shirt, because they would feel they will look too fruity (like they say there). Maybe Middle-Eastern countries might have scruples as well, but in the rest of the world, guys don't feel less masculine if they wear pink or red. Another proof that Americans are still stuck in the past!

11) In America, height is viewed as power, especially for guys. In the rest of the world is insignificant.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

See the US presidents for example here. Only 6 out of 43 presidents were from 5'8" under. And that was in a time when 5'6"-5'8" heights were being considered average and not short as it happens now. Only one president was 5'4" (James Madison) and that was in a time when 5'4" wasn't that short for a man. They vote for tall men, just because they want their leaders to stand out among other World Leaders. Likewise, American girls in modern era, still tend to care about a guy's height and consider it a deal breaker if a guy lacks height. More or less in America if you are under the average male height (which is 5'9"-5'10" currently), then you are doomed. In the rest of the world, nobody cares if you are just 5'4", and you could be as successful as a 6' man. They care for other things.

12) In America, if a guy doesn't hit the gym, he's "weak", "lazy" and a "pussy". In the rest of the world, if a guy doesn't hit the gym, he just doesn't like working out.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

In America, gyms are like churches especially for guys. A holy place. The little free time Americans have, is being spent at the gym. In other parts of the world, gyms are just used in order to lose weight mostly, and not for working out purposes. Also in America getting jacked for guys is something essential. If a guy isn't jacked (and at least 5'10" as I said above) then he won't get laid! Unless they choose to pay a hooker, something that Americans won't do because it's one of the grossest things, in their culture. Something that really doesn't matter in other countries.

13) In America, life is fast paced without any free time. In the rest of the world they value free time.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Americans are always on the run. Most people in America have two full-time jobs, and no free time. Those who study have at least one full-time job, or two part-time jobs along with their studies. A life under pressure, a life full of stress. They are willing to sacrifice any amount of free-time just in order to make more (and more and more) money. A person in America by the young age of 20, he/she is already a millionaire! That's why 24 hours open, is a common policy, and that's why people in America always eat at restaurants, and take their coffee on a cup, and gulp it on their way to work. No time to sit and cook or make a coffee at home! In the rest of the world, people take their time to enjoy their coffee along with their breakfast at home, and enjoy their meal at their kitchen. And weekends are supposed to be non-working days, unlike in America.

14) In America they are being fakely nice. In the rest of the world they are more straight forward.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Have a nice day, they use to say. But deep inside they want to tell you F*ck off. Maybe some, might actually mean it indeed, but most not. In most countries they will tell you F*ck off if you annoy them, without hiding behind Nice Days. Unless they are at work, where they can't say such a thing, otherwise chances to lose their job are higher.

15) In America they worry about their health a lot. The rest of the world is more relax about this issue.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World

Hypochondria, is perhaps the most common disease in America. Americans are notorious for consulting their doctors about any little small thing, even if it's just a headache or a small pain in the chest. And that's why Americans are afraid of drinking alcohol or soda or energy drinks, considering them unhealthy, and that's why they spend any amount of free-time they have at the gym, feeling that way they will improve their health. But nobody died from drinking alcohol or soda. Being constantly anxious from your fast paced life (see above) might kill you indeed. The rest of the world, doesn't mind if they drink a can of soda or a glass of beer more, and they consult their doctors rationally, when they are actually sick, to the point they cannot get up from their beds in order to go to the toilet.

America VS The World: 15 Things Americans Do Differently Than The Rest Of The World
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