Fashion Statements - Changing His

GirlsAskGuys a
Gogus olculeri

The first thing women need to remember is that guys are all over the map when it comes to fashion. There are some who embrace the "Never seen a washing machine, why would I need one" philosophy. Others seem to pull it together without really trying and others still seem to never pass a mirror without stopping to say, "Hi." But I think the important question for women is not what a guy dresses like, but what can be done to change his sense of style.

The quick answer - "It all depends." It depends on the guy, the girl, the relationship, the guy's friends, the girl's friends and a whole host of other things. But before you get to this point, women need to know the general approach guys take to style and fashion.

First, there's no one general category for guys when it comes to fashion. Just like there's no one personality or even one kind of guy. Every guy is going to have a different approach to their sense of style. I think we can safely say that generally more women pay attention to style than guys, but women will be doing themselves a big disservice if they think that women always pay more attention to fashion than any guy. Stereotypes aside, there are some guys out there that are the epitome of style. I mean after all, why else would we need the term "metrosexual?"

Next, even though not all guys are into fashion and style, most guys think that their look or dress is hip and cool. Yes, I know, there are a lot of guys that are just flat wrong, but if women will keep this in mind when they take it upon themselves to inform the style-challenged guy, then the outcome might be better. In other words, don't laugh or tell a guy he looks like a grunge reject or an 80's throwback.

It is generally a bad idea for a woman to come in and think that they can completely change the way a guy dresses or looks. Guys have to decide to make this change themselves.

After you realize you can't just go in and do a complete makeover on the opposite sex, take things in stride. Say you like a guy that you meet at some occasion where the dress was something other than casual. You make a date or plan to see the guy again and he shows up looking like he's coming from Ozzfest. Well, all is not lost, but you as the woman have a few decisions to make. First, you know that the guy can clean up a bit, but you have to decide if you can accept the extremes on his dress. Now, this is the important part. It is generally a bad idea for a woman to come in and think that they can completely change the way a guy dresses or looks. Guys have to decide to make this change themselves. It never really works when a change such as this is pushed on a guy. Sure, it's acceptable to have a little change or to get a guy to dress up from time to time when they generally don't, but complete makeovers are a hard sell because it comes off as controlling.

Next, no matter how much a guy is into style or fashion, women shouldn't get upset when a guy rarely comments or never compliments a woman on something she's wearing. Guys may notice, they may not, but either way they rarely say anything. So don't think just because a guy doesn't say anything about a new pair of skinny jeans or a top that screams "HOT", he hasn't noticed. Chances are he has and it's driving him crazy, but he doesn't want to say anything because he's worried that you'll think he's thinking about something that is a little beyond a PG-13 rating. Believe me, guys notice when a woman dresses up, particularly when she dresses up to go out with him.

In summary, if you like him, get used to the way he dresses most of the time. If he likes you, he'll be willing to change when it counts.

Fashion Statements - Changing His
7 Opinion