Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?


Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?

Some say...

Americans are too patriotic. American's have way too many flags everywhere. American's are always chanting, "USA, USA, USA!." American's always wear shirts with the flag on it and obsessively say their pledge. Why do American's need to impress on the world that they love their country so much?

Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?

I've lived in the US a long time. So long in fact that I don't remember my actual birthplace, so for all intents and purposes, it is the only place I know and have called home for my entire life. I became a citizen if you can even call the thing, a process, by way of my American born mother as a baby. I am here because war broke out in my birthplace, and my family fled back to the US to live with my mother's side of the family, and we've been here ever since.

Growing up in the US and hearing the stories of what my life could have been like growing up in another country, I am grateful for the freedoms I enjoy, for not having to endure the horrors of war, the opportunities I have, and for my country. Am I patriotic, yes. I support the US, I love it's people, I grew up saying the pledge everyday in scouts and in school, I do have an American flag hanging in my office (bought right after 9-11, and hanging ever since), and on many occasions, I have chanted "USA," at many a sporting event against another country.

Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?

For the life of me, I do not understand why a lot of foreigners seem to have a problem with the fact that a lot of American's are patriotic and do love their own country. What are we supposed to do...not like it? Not support our sports teams or our people? Take down every flag? For what purpose? We live here in our own country and we've just decided that that's how we want to live and that's what we want to do and we do it. If that's not how you do things in your own country, that is up to you and your people how you choose to live, but my neighbor having a flag in her own yard is not hurting you. It's not doing anything to you. She loves her country and wants to let people, and in this case, other American's mostly, know. Good for her. Doesn't bother me and it shouldn't bother you.

Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?

I may love this country and it's people, but that does not mean I approve or support everything we do. Take for example Donald Trump. A lot of foreigners point him out and say, look, see, American's are dumb and they support a man who does x,y,z, but a lot of countries have had poor leadership, or people vying for leadership positions that were wrong for their country. Many have even gone to wars over them, and still many are ruled by leaders that do not deserve to be in their positions, but that doesn't mean everyone is just blindly going along and supporting them just because you hear about it in the media which is notorious for inaccuracies.

Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?

We aren't perfect which is what I think the foreign perception is of us...that we think we're so perfect and entitled. We most definitely have flaws. We have a lot of major issues starting at our front door step with race, with government control, with our educational system, with poverty, with healthcare, and yes, with foreign relations, but when you point the finger at us and say look at all those problems, remember that there are four fingers pointing back at you.

No country is perfect. You can't have 318 million people in 50 states, and expect everyone to be prefect or to agree with everyone else or to have the same mindset. We are a HUGE country. If your country was that size and even it it is, and you had that many people, you'd have quite the task trying to control that much real estate, but like every other country, we're doing the best we can. It might not be what you personally would choose to do, but we don't all have to live the same exact way for their to be peace or harmony in the world.

Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?

Despite all of this, at the end of the day, the reason I still love the US is that there is just an undeniable spirit that a lot of American's have to want to build and grow. In recent years attitudes have changed a bit about certain issues, and are trying to change about others, and it makes me excited to see where we will go as a nation. So many people literally die every year trying to get to our shores, and there are so many reasons for that. Why leave your own country and risk your life if the destination is worse than where you started?

We can neither overlook the bad, nor ignore the good about the United States of America. I'm patriotic because I know what could have been for me and my family, and living here has proved that there is so much good here that on most days outweigh the bad, and for that, there are just three little letters that deserve chanting, and that's, USA, USA, USA!

Why Do A Lot of Foreigners Seem To Hate American Patriotism?
74 Opinion