10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid


Never understood those who claim they want to be kids again. It’s an age that I would not like to go back personally. Let’s see why:

(In alphabetical order)

1) Bullying is way less

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

In childhood bullying is very common, if you have a flaw either on your looks or on your personality. As an adult nobody cares much.

2) Nobody will yell at you if you break something

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

You just pick up the broken pieces.

3) People take advantage of you much less

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

For example, when you are on a line (at a fast food restaurant for example), it’s much more common for someone else to go in front of you if you are a kid. Because he/she might think: He/she is a kid, he/she won’t speak.

4) You are going to be taken more seriously, if you hit on the opposite gender

Imagine trying to hit on a woman, when you are only 13. She will just play with you and nothing more, because she doesn’t want to have troubles with the law. But hitting on a woman at 25, you are obviously going to be taken more seriously.

5) You are not your parents’ puppet anymore

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

So in other words, I never understood those people who want to be under their parents' wing, wanting to go back to those years. As an adult you are more independent.

6) You can buy alcohol legally.

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

You don’t have to try to appear older, or maybe have some adult with you. Well, unless you are living in America, where minimum legal age of drinking is 21 there. So there you have to be even more patient for this, in order to reach that age.

7) You can eat whatever you like

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

No parents to arrange what you are going to eat.

8. You can have sex without having troubles with the law

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

Obviously you can have sex as early as you can function down there, but as an adult there are no troubles with the law and such stuff.

9) You can sleep whatever time you want

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

There are no parents to tell you to go to bed.

10) You don’t need your parents presence

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid

As a kid, you must be escorted by your parents almost anywhere you go. But now, you can go anywhere you want on your own.

10 Reasons Why Being An Adult Is Better Than Being A Kid
26 Opinion