2 Common Misconceptions About the MGTOW Community

2 Common Misconceptions About the MGTOW Community

Misconception #1: MGTOW = VGTOW

People are very ignorant these days, saying "MGTOW is about losers who haven't gotten laid yet or a girlfriend/" Those (male or female) who say this are just downright pathetic and very "thick" in the head. Personally, I'm not a virgin. Just because I didn't have a proper relationship and I've had a few flings in high school doesn't mean I can't GET SEX! Can't get any and choose to not want any are pretty different things!

2 Common Misconceptions About the MGTOW Community

Misconception #2: A man who chooses the MGTOW lifestyle will be a very lonely and unsuccessful man

This is very false to say the least! I'm personally working at my own job, making $30 per hour for MYSELF, stashing it in the bank for MYSELF and NO WOMAN will EVER share MY OWN MONEY! If you want it, APPROACH ME!

2 Common Misconceptions About the MGTOW Community

2 Common Misconceptions About the MGTOW Community
20 Opinion