Anti-Trump Protesters: No, You Don't Have to Leave


Lately I've seen a lot of Trump voters saying that whoever doesn't like that trump won, should leave. Was I the only one who paid attention in fifth grade US History, eighth grade History, Senior Government, and political science 101? We have freedom of speech, right to petition, and right to assembly. If you want to live in a country where it's required that we love whoever runs the country, I suggest moving to North Korea or the Middle East. If republicans can complain about Obama to their hearts content, then other people can do the same.

Anti-Trump Protesters: No, You Don't Have to Leave

It's not like Republicans were courteous and kind to Obama or his family when he won or the second time he won. I just rolled my eyes and thought my god, they're at it again. When his oldest daughter was accepted into Harvard, she was called a variety of racial terms because people say she got special treatment and because she plans to take a gap year. Of course, most people calling her these terms or saying she got special treatment, aren't educated themselves. I'm sure that's a coincidence. (No it's not)

I get that some protesters aren't protesting peacefully and there is plenty of hypocrisy on the democratic side, and I condemn them. We have right to assembly as long as it's peaceful. It's so ironic that republicans keep saying we need to come together and make our country better by working together and then when someone expresses how a trump presidency scares them, they tell them to get out. Oh okay so we should only come together if we agree with you? 👌🏻👌🏻 No wonder why this country is divided. No, it wasn't caused by Obama or Trump. It was always there and it's because we don't respect each other. My dad voted for Trump he doesn't necessarily like Trump, he just despises Clinton. I'm not mad at him. I know he doesn't like Trump and I know that he hates the things Trump said. Particularly what Trump said about women. Like what my dad always says when he hears someone complaining about the government but didn't vote, "if you don't vote then shut the hell up." If you want to make real change, make a plan on how to make Congress do the jobs they're paid to do.

Anti-Trump Protesters: No, You Don't Have to Leave
34 Opinion