For Anyone Feeling Down or Lost: How to Make Yourself Happy


Hello, you sexy person you. Yes you...the person reading this. If you're here because you've been feeling down, lost, or even depressed I hope that this helps. Let me start off by telling you that life sucks and most people can't take it. They come up with ways to blame or point fingers at reasons why they aren't happy or where they want to be. It has become so COMMON place in our society today. Everyone wants to play the victim. And even though you get some sympathy, attention and pats on your back, people will still feel unhappy. The funny thing is, everyone already has a vague idea of what makes them happy.

Have you ever had a dream? A big impossible dream? Yeah, the kind were you dream of writing a best selling novel that rivals Harry Potter. That dream right there, is your intuition talking. It's whispering to you, chase after it. "Come find me" it says. "Accomplish what you were put here to do"

Let me ask you a question and I need you to answer it as honestly as you can. Are you living you're life to be happy? If the answer is anything but yes, then you are lost. Don't worry, most people are.

Chase that dream. You will fail and you will fall, but if you live a fulfilling life, you will find what it means to be truly happy.

I hope that you can find some wisdom in this myTake.

For Anyone Feeling Down or Lost: How to Make Yourself Happy
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