Women's History Month: Kate Sheppard

Women's History Month: Kate Sheppard

Is it right that your mother, your sister... should be classed with criminals and lunatics... ? Is it right that while the gambler, the drunkard, and even the wife-beater has a vote, earnest, educated and refined women are denied it?... Is it right... that a mother... should be thought unworthy of a vote that is freely given to the blasphemer, the liar, the seducer,and the profligate? - Kate Sheppard (1892)

Born in Liverpool in 1847, Kate Malcolm migrated to New Zealand in her early twenties and in 1871 married merchant Walter Sheppard. In 1885 she joined the new Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), which advocated women’s suffrage as a means to fight for liquor prohibition. For Kate Sheppard, the right to vote quickly became an end in itself. Speaking for the new generation, she argued, "We are tired of having a 'sphere' doled out to us, and of being told that anything outside that sphere is 'unwomanly'."

Women's History Month: Kate Sheppard

Sheppard travelled the country, writing to newspapers, holding public meetings and lobbying members of Parliament. Resistance was fierce. As one man wrote, women were "recommended to go home, look after their children, cook their husbands' dinners, empty the slops, and generally attend to the domestic affairs for which Nature designed them"; they should give up "meddling in masculine concerns of which they are profoundly ignorant".

In 1893 Kate Sheppard and her fellow suffragists gathered the signatures of nearly 32,000 women to demonstrate the groundswell of support for their cause. A 270-m-long petition - then the largest ever presented to Parliament - was unrolled across the chamber of the House with dramatic effect. Despite the opposition of Premier Richard Seddon, the Electoral Act 1893 was passed by both houses of Parliament and became law on 19 September, making New Zealand the first country in the world to allow women to vote. The governor, Lord Glasgow, honoured Kate Sheppard as a political leader, by symbolically presenting to her the pen with which the bill granting womanhood suffrage had been signed. The news took New Zealand by storm and inspired suffrage movements all over the world.

Women's History Month: Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard continued to work at home and abroad for women’s rights - from contraception to freedom from the corset. She became president of the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCW) and editor of The White Ribbon, the first newspaper in New Zealand to be owned, managed and published solely by women. In 1909 she was elected honorary vice-president of the International Council of Women.



Women's History Month: Kate Sheppard
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