My Response to "How My Friend's Baby Pulled Us Apart"


This is my response to this article.

My Response to

When I was in high school, my best friend was Alee. She was totally the "mom" of our group. She would tell us to text her when we got home safe, make or buy us food when we were hungry, always liked our selfies no matter what, would randomly compliment us even when we didn't look our best, and would invite the people sitting by themselves at lunch to come sit at our table.

My Response to "How My Friend's Baby Pulled Us Apart"

When I was 14, I decided kids weren't for me. Five and a half years later, nothing has changed. When we were both about 18, I told her I didn't want kids. She simply shrugged and said that it was my decision and went on to say that she knew I won't change it. She supported and comforted me when people said terrible things to me about my choice. I supported her when she was afraid she was infertile. Graduation came soon after that and we both went our separate ways. I was busy going to school to get my nursing degree. She worked and became pregnant with her son.

About a month ago Alee had her son, Isaac. A lot of people warned me that things change when people have kids. I don't know about that. Of course we barely get to hang out because I'm going to school and she has her son. Alee still supports me being childfree. In return, I support her choosing to have children.

Recently I became openly childfree. Along with telling the truth about how I felt about kids, I started sharing some childfree memes on Facebook. A few people got offended and removed me on Facebook. But Alee never took things personally and thinks my childfree memes are funny as hell. Alee still shares plenty of parenting and mom memes. Some things never change. She is just as kind and considerate as she was in high school. She's never shared parenting memes that are annoying and offensive to people who can't have kids or choose not to. Like, "you don't know true love until you have a kid." (Really? Not even your spouse? Plenty of people know true love and they don't need a kid to feel that kind of love)

Honestly, she can share as much parenting memes as she wants. For example, unlike most people she understands that I still have a lot of responsibilities even though I don't have a kid. Or that I'm not going to lend money out just because I'm not spending money taking care of kids. Basically, she understands everything in this picture. Best of all, she doesn't act superior because she birthed a child.

My Response to "How My Friend's Baby Pulled Us Apart"

When my parents found out that I don't plan on having kids, they freaked and threatened to kick me out of the house. But I'm guessing they never took me seriously. Mainly because they later found out just how serious I am about not having kids because I'm planning to be sterilized soon, when I can pay for it. (I may not have to worry about paying for it because Obamacare may be here to stay. Obama supported our choice to be sterilized so it's covered by Obamacare) After they found out I plan to be sterilized, their reaction was, "oh god you're actually serious? They freaked out and threatened to kick me out of the house again.

My Response to "How My Friend's Baby Pulled Us Apart"

So did Alee having a kid ruin our relationship? Hell no. We're two adults living busy lives. So all I ask from her is her genuine support. She has delivered on that and given me so much more. I always get a lot of hate when I say I'm childfree but I've stood my ground and haven't changed my mind in the slightest. Plus, I am in several childfree Facebook groups and I have their support. There are some people who had kids and still support the childfree community. They are valuable people to the childfree community. Trust me, I would know. Like this article.

As the childfree community fights to be accepted and properly represented in society, we need to accept each other. Choosing to not have children was my choice. Just like how choosing to have children was a choice women like Alee made. We all have different aspirations and dreams in life so we can't get mad at someone for choosing a different path. What the writer of "How My Friends Baby Pulled Us Apart." should've done, was support her. Just as long as her friend supports her.

My Response to "How My Friend's Baby Pulled Us Apart"

My Response to "How My Friend's Baby Pulled Us Apart"
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