On the Future of Liberalism in America...


On the Future of Liberalism in America...

Politics has been for a long time been a confusing game of people fighting for the side that doesn't actually support the team who's agenda benefits them personally. Poor people fighting for the rights of the rich and rich people fighting for the rights of the poor. . Behind it, though are two basic tenants: conservative and liberal as a way of life and governing...

Liberalism used to be about freedom and it somehow became about moral superiority. The end result is confusing but the path there is not so much. Essentially, the republican party became the party of stuffy old white men looking out for the interests of the top ten percent and became overly tied to it's racist elements. This was their downfall

The democrats took on all "working class" regular folk but became in the process tied to all marginalized folks who didn't fit into the narrow parameters of the ideal republican white, protestant, and old and thus became tied to the fight for social equality. This was also their downfall.

On the Future of Liberalism in America...

See, liberalism is in many respects about allowing people to do what they want. If you leave it there, it appeals to a great many people who aren't for government controlling what people do in there free time so long as it doesn't hurt them. It is progressive only in this sense and allows for a population that is becoming further and further away from the past to feel that the party understand them. It's problematic though when say black people feel that the party is lumping them in the fight with gay people or in the case of the most recent election that white women are being clumped in with blacks latinos and lgbt.

On the Future of Liberalism in America...

The democrats did too much and the celebrities dictating what's right and wrong only proves this point. Furthermore, the democratic party is not only about liberalism but about the rights of the little man. "every man is a king" is the mindset and it is not a socialist one but an egalitarian one based on giving every man his shot at having a kingdom not at creating a million little government controlled kingdoms.

On the Future of Liberalism in America...

The democrats failed their party on both fronts. President Obama, though he may have paved the way for President Trump, was able to hit on both of the above points better than Hillary or any current democrat seems capable of. The democratic party needs to reach out to regular folks and become once again the party of the people. They also need to back away from this sense of moral superiority and not get so involved in movements that don't have to do with them such as lgbt and black lives matter. Those movements can do their work on their own. At the same time, the democrats should not pander for republican votes and just assume democrats will vote for their man or woman. Again, the party needs someone who both can connect with the working class as well as say that its ok to be who you are without championing one group over another. White people can feel marginalized just like any other group and it is not just a matter of size that allows someone to feel unheard and uncared for.

That's my two cents anyway on what will bring the democratic party back to prominence in American politics

On the Future of Liberalism in America...
5 Opinion