It's Okay To Be Career Driven and Know What You Want


Being in the Millennial generation, I feel like I'm not supposed to know what I want. We're told to accept that in our twenties, we will have moments where we are scared, moments where we are tired, moments we are broke, or that we're in a place we don't want to be. And in a lot of ways, that's all true. Moments like that make us grow and mature. But what about celebrating the people that fought like hell to get where they are, because they know what they want?

It's Okay To Be Career Driven and Know What You Want
Last January, I took a volunteer position at a hospital even though I wanted to be a Dental Hygienist at the time. I can't tell you how many people told me I was crazy because volunteering at a hospital has very little to do with Dental. But I did it anyways, because my instincts told me to. And I loved every minute of volunteering. That was how I decided that Nursing was a perfect for me. Some people in my class have a more memorable story like a family member got severely injured and they were inspired by the nurses and doctors who took care of them. I know my "Why I went into Nursing" story isn't profound, but I knew that I would love Nursing and that's what's important.

Anyways, back to "your twenties is the decade of your life where you're so confused you act like you're running around with your head cut off." Society tells us that we need to live out life while we're young, and then settle down when we start to approach our thirties. I want to do the opposite, I want to secure my career now and never settle down. The idea is that I want my thirties to be like my twenties, but with money. I'm not sure if I'm going to retiring because I love Nursing so much.

It's Okay To Be Career Driven and Know What You Want

You don’t have to feel bad that you stepped into a career right after college or got married young. You don’t have to bury the fact that you knew you wanted to be a doctor since you were three, and now you’re in graduate school, kicking butt in all of your classes. So don't feel bad if your life is awesome and you're not spending your twenties getting drunk every Friday night.

As for choosing love over a relationship, I don't think people realize that you can have it all. It is possible to have a loving relationship and a good career. Everyone deserves to be with someone who encourages them to push themselves and motivate them. I would never do something that I was told to do by anyone. You worked hard in life to earn a career so you deserve to reap the rewards. Your significant other should not be preventing you from doing so, instead they should respect your ambitions and encourage you every step of the way. I am all for compromising and discussing things, but ultimatums are an absolute no-no. In all honesty, is it ever worth giving up an awesome career for someone that can betray you?

It's Okay To Be Career Driven and Know What You Want

Bottom line is that it doesn't matter if you're choosing love over your career. Or career over love. If anyone tries to tell you how to live your life, just remember that misery loves company. If someone tries to condescendingly tell you how to live your life, it's because they're trying to validate their shitty life choices.

It's Okay To Be Career Driven and Know What You Want
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