The Mad Messiah: Jonestown and What if the Massacre had never occured?

The Mad Messiah: Jonestown and What if the Massacre had never occured?

Disclaimer:The Thoughts and opinions are strictly of my own.

Dateline: November 18,1978

Place:Jonestown,Guyana,South America

Casualties:900+ including: A Congressman(Leo Ryan D-CA),An NBC News Correspondent, An NBC News Cameraman, Several Defectors, and Jim Jones.

Weapons:AK-47s,Kool aid laced with Cyanide,Valium,Phenegran, and other sedatives,Syringes with poison and sedatives.

In the 1950's Jim Jones started his Peoples Temple cult in Indanapolis, Indiana. However, after seeing a film about a Nuclear Holocaust Jim and his followers moved to The Redwood Valley of California which Jones had heard was one of the 9 safe places on earth from Nuclear Holocaust. In the 1970s he moved the Temple to San Francisco. It was there allegations of Physical Abuse,Sexual Abuse, Extortion, Exploitation, and other crimes were coming to light which would grab the attention of Congressman Ryan and other Anti Jones politicians. But, what was also known was that Jones also had Political Clout and political figures lined in his back pockets. People such as: Harvey Milk, George Moscone, and Governor Jerry Brown. Soon he would take his flock to Guyana and History would take place as the Jonestown Massacre occured on November 18,1978. But What would have happened if Leo Ryan, The NBC News team, The Defectors, and others made it back to the States? What if Jim Jones would have not ordered the Massacre that night? I have thought of three scenarios that could have likely played out if Jim Jones would have not ordered the Suicides and Massacre of hundreds of innocent followers.

1. Military Intervention

I don't mean like a battle(Though it could have happened seeing how the compound and select members were armed). But a rescue mission involving a special ops team like The Green Berets or Navy SEALs. Congressman Dan Quayle of Indiana told Ryan if he was to go to Guyana that it would have been a good idea to have some Military Bodyguards to keep him and defectors safe. Ryan disagreed. He thought protection by US Congress and the US Embassy in Georgetown would be enough, but he was dead wrong.

2. Jim Jones would have died months later anyways

Jim Jones was aging fast. Even at age 46. He had been on drugs for years and living on paranoia, lies, and stress. He also had many health problems. He would have eventually died months later and the followers would have been distraught without any clear guidance as his own sons wanted nothing to do with leading the cult.

3. A Revolt/Uprising in the commune

It was evident in the final tapes before the massacre that the majority of the people were tired of being held in Guyana and did not want to kill themselves. If this was the case if the massacre had not taken place there would have been an uprising and revolt which would have likely seen the assasination of Jim Jones and other figures in the cult.

What would you think? What do you think would have happened? Do you think the assasinations of Moscone and Milk would have still happened? Was the Cult behind that too? Or at least an ex member? We might never know the real truth. But one thing for sure we can keep it from occuring again.



The Mad Messiah: Jonestown and What if the Massacre had never occured?
5 Opinion