Grammatical Errors: Why It Might Be More Detrimental Then Helpful To Critic a Strangers Grammar


Grammatical Errors: Why It Might Me More Detrimental Then Helpful To Critic a Strangers Grammar.<br />

I notice on here that people critic other people's grammar a lot. Most of the time they're just honest mistakes. However, people don't seem to comprehend what a mistake is and decide it's better to point out the flaws. I'm writing this, because I have had people on here critic my grammar. And, say things to me like "I'm ignorant because grammar eludes me" and "if I ever marry and have kids. I should have my husband teach them grammar because I used the wrong version of the word there". For me, I'm already really hard on myself in general terms. So, it doesn't take much to make me feel bad about myself. When it comes to writing I take it even harder, because the mistakes are out of my control. That's why I'm writing this to tell my story and maybe get people to stop and think before they just completely pick apart a persons grammar, without even knowing the cause of the mistakes. This is my story.

When I was in the fifth grade I wasn't doing so good in school. So during spring break I spent one whole day at this place from 7am until 5pm looking at shapes, numbers, ink blots, you name it. The results came back that what my eyes see and my brain translates, that same message doesn't get sent to my hand. Basically, I have an eye problem. I probably inherited it from my dad, because he has the same thing (only his is a little worse). I don't really know the name for what I have or even how to explain it, but I will try my best.

1) I will think a sentence in my head like " I went for a walk" and end up typing "How went for a walk" That happens everytime I think the word "I" I end up typing "how" instead. Or, I'll think "I" and I'll type "A". It happens with other words too. Like this take I was thinking the word "writing" and without even knowing it, I typed "reading" instead. That happens a lot.

2) I could be reading something like a book and add a word in the sentence that's not suppose to be there and the look at it again and see the word that's actually there.

3) I could be reading some thing and my eyes will skip a word or I'll read something and I'll skip over a sentence entirely. Or, I could be reading some thing one way and go back and look at it again and realize that's not how it was.

4) I reread everything I write because I know how many mistakes I make. So, I could read some thing over 10 times and everytime I find a new mistake I didn't catch the first time and didn't even know was there. I usually end up making a ton of corrections, because I honestly didn't see any mistakes when I was looking at it or writing it.

5) I will read a sentence I write with a word I was thinking in my head as I was writing it and then read that sentence with the word in it and after reading it 20 something times, my eyes will finally pick up on the fact that the word is not there and I never typed it.

6) I can't concentrated with a lot of noise or people around, because my brain and eyes then go crazy and I can't focus on what I'm doing. Even watching television with my mom, if the T.V. volume is up too high and I'm typing something at the same time I can feel myself get kind of anixous and not being able to concentrate because there's too much noise and my eyes just can't focus because of that. That's why I always had to try even extra harder then other people in school.

I've never really been good with the techical stuff when it comes to grammar. That's more my mom's forte, that's why she's always corrected every paper I've written in school. Because, I'm more about the passion and meaning behind what I'm writing, not the techique. So, I will admit my grammar could use work. However, that's not why I make mistakes. I make mistakes because of my eyes, mistakes I don't even know I was making. I'm already really self conscious about my problem and usually cry in frustration after seeing how many mistakes I made and feeling like I'm a stupid idiot. So, when someone corrects me all they're really doing is taking something I already feel bad about and stupid for and making it worse. And, that could be exactly how other people are feeling when they get their grammar picked apart too.

Grammatical Errors: Why It Might Be More Detrimental Then Helpful To Critic a Strangers Grammar

That's why I wrote this, because I want people to understand that others make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are out of our control. And, just because one makes a mistake doesn't mean they didn't try. My mistakes aren't due to lack of trying, because I try very hard to do a good job and be just as good as everyone else. It's just out of my control, my eyes go wonky and I can't control that. So, I shouldn't be made to feel bad about myself for something that I'm not doing on purpose and neither should other people.

I know some things come easier to some people, then others. So, when it's so simple for them. They think it should be that simple for everyone else and that's not the case. So, the next time you see some errors in a persons writing. Think before you say anything and put them on the spot, because there's a lot of reasons why people make mistakes when writing and you don't know what their reason is. The only thing you might be doing, is making them feel bad for an honest mistake or something they can't control.

Grammatical Errors: Why It Might Be More Detrimental Then Helpful To Critic a Strangers Grammar

Think, before you critic.

Thank you! : )

Grammatical Errors: Why It Might Be More Detrimental Then Helpful To Critic a Strangers Grammar
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