What's Wrong with the Black Community?


What's wrong with the Black Community?

So I've been meaning to make a Take on this for a while now, but recently I've been inspired to actually sit down and do this. What I've noticed lately here on GaG and offline is that black men like myself and black women seem to be totally off the mark in terms of self respect, confidence and loving one another, particularly other black people. In this take, I'm going to go over the main problems that I see amongst both black men, and black women today.

What's wrong with some Black women today?

What's Wrong with the Black Community?

The number one issue I see that plagues black women today is self hate. In 2015, i still see way too many black women picking a side in this light skin vs. dark skin debate which i thought had ended like 5 - 6 years ago. I still see too many black women who have these crazy issues with their ethnic hair and how other people will perceive them. And lastly, black women (at least of my generation) have finally caught up to black men in the race to the bottom in terms of this unhealthy obsession with dating outside your race. Let me make one thing very clear, because I can already see the complaints rolling in. It's not unhealthy to date outside your race. Despite what some insecure guys might say, science tells us that that dating as far outside of your "clan" or tribe as possible is actually a good thing for the gene pool in terms combatting certain diseases/genetic conditions. What i mean by unhealthy obsession is the desperation to date white people, for example, simply because they are white and you see it as an automatic ticket to gaining prestiege amongst your peers.

The problem with discussing this issue openly is that you can never know 100% if its just someones harmless preference, or if its something way deeper. However, this becomes a problem when you see black women dissing themselves and other black women for not being as close to white looking as possible. Its a sad and sickening trend, which ends up devaluing the community as a whole. When i start seeing black women who don't date black men, but get depressed/suicidal because the non black men they want don't show them any attention, the irony of it makes me both laugh and weep on the inside. Not only that, but there seems to be a sort of special snowflake syndrome amongst some black women who think that because they are light-skinned, mixed and/or get attention from non white men, they are better than the black community at large, and can use for example, their mixed race heritage to distance themselves as far away from being labelled "black person" as possible (even if they look just as black as myself, being a non mixed individual). This distancing can inspire them to be just as bigotted and racist as any Klu Klux Klan grand wizard, and when you challenge them on it, they often play dumb. It's at noticable levels now, and I'm taking note of it here.

What's interesting is that this seems to only be a problem with western (especially american) black women. I know a lot of African black women (specifically from Nigeria) and they don't seem to exhibit this problem on or offline. In my current school, we actually have a lot of African black women, but one black girl in particular is Canadian who im friends with seems to be the only black girl in my school who still thinks in the way i described up above. She came to the school and immediately had issues with the place, like 90% of the people did when they first arrived. One day though, she broke down and started crying, saying that the other black people at the school hated her, and she blamed it on the fact that she was dark skinned. I mean even if you ignore the fact that most of the black girls at the school are blacker than she is (again, they are largely african), it still would be a ridiculous claim because everyone had been nothing but nice to her up to that point, but she still felt isolated because her skin was dark. This problem is real, and if these particular black women don't get control over it, they will find themselves enslaved twice over.

What's wrong with some Black men today?

What's Wrong with the Black Community?

The same sort of issues that affect black women affect black men too, but its not quite the same in my view. Despite what some others may believe, i don't think black men suffer that much from an abundance of self hate...even the ones who seem very thirsty to date white women, simply because they are white. I say this because black men by and large (although not universally true) are pretty confident, to the point of being shameless. It's something I've heard many women say, and have also seen for myself. That kind of shameless confidence would be hard for a self hater to artificially manufacteur. No, I think one of the main problems with some black men today is actually the opposite...too much self love. Self love to the point of feeling superiority over others. Too superior to date black women, and superior enough to call a woman racist for not having a sexual attraction to black men. The black guys I'm talking about here pretty much believe that the world owes them whatever it is they have floating around inside their heads, and the type I'm referring to often can't take no for an answer, and make it more difficult for people like myself to actually exist, date and interact as a black male.

Before I continue here though, I'd like to make a quick jab at the hidden racists on GaG who like to bash people (often blacks) anonymously, lest you think you've found an ally in me here today. Many of you get off on posts like this...blacks criticising other blacks. I'm not writing this take to put down black people. I am a black person, who is part of the black community. As part of that community, I'm voicing my opinion as a concerned citizen of that community, not an outsider looking in. I'm concerned about the general direction I've seen lately, and i want to open some non judgmental dialouge on it. You and I however are not friends. I've seen too much from your ilk these days about how apparently blacks are the worst partners, and how we're somehow responsible for initiating what some of you call "white genocide", because of how, according to you, white people are hooking up with us en masse (statistically false) and how immigration is the death of white America. No matter what I say here today, your ilk would hate me, and I welcome your hatred. You are the bottom feeders in the world today, and I do not salute you.

So with that out of the way, I'd like to continue just a little more on the issues facing some black men. Now despite how disgusting i think some of the trends are amongst some black women today (specifically the ones within and around my generation), there is no doubt in my mind that black men started it. We started it when we first started making videos about how black women are no good when sites like YouTube became popular back in the early 2000's. This is largely where black women get this idea that black men don't like them...from online media. You may not have made a video personally, but standing idle makes you an accessory to the crime. I myself stood idle in those early years. It was not because I had a disgust for black women, but mainly due to a lack of forsight on how bad the problem would become to black womens self esteem later. I was a young teen when all this started, and so I didn't really see the ramifications of not being more vocal about what was going on. Now I do, and its partly our responsibility to fix this, just as much as its the responsibility of afflicted black women to fix themselves. We started the mess, and so we have to clean up after ourselves. You can tell that we started it too, because black women by and large are still playing catch up to the kind of interracial fetishization seen amongst a fair number of black men. I believe black women of my generation are already there, and I look forward to seeing studies done which will finally confirm this more empirically. But black women of older generations still by and large hold out for black men, even though black men do not by and large hold out for them. It's my explanation for charts like this one produced by dating sites like okcupid which show that black men are the least likely to get responses from women online, unless the woman is black.

What's Wrong with the Black Community?

The data shown above came from the Facebook dating app, Are You Interested (AYI)

So I'll close this off by stating my own dating preferences, as well as some possible solutions to the problems I brought up. Personally, I could never quite understand the people who say that they only date one racial group, or exclude one racial group in particular. For someone like me, that's unconscionable because I literally cannot name you one racial group where I've never met or seen one girl that was attractive to me. Whether that group be white, black, Asian, latino or anything else really, I can't find myself passing a sweeping generalization about the unattractiveness of a whole group of people without at least meeting half of that group of people (which of coarse will never happen in my lifetime). I don't even think animals behave this way, but to each his/her own i guess. I think its important though for people in general to check themselves. Check your privilege, check your blessings, check your attitude and check your beliefs. Only when you live in a bubble can you produce the kind of hypocritical behaviour I've seen lately in and outside of the black community. My other suggestion is to start being your own cheerleader, and stop seeking outside racial validation for your own insecurities. When I start seeing posts by black people on here about wanting to commit suicide because non-blacks won't give them attention (latest one was posted just this morning), I know that something is fundamentally wrong. And lastly, try to show a little more comradery for people who are like you. Don't be duped by your special snowflake syndrome, or be in denial about it either. At the end of the day, you're just like the rest of us, and no matter how mixed you are or how much attention you receive, you will not be able to shield yourself completely from the general shipwreck that is coming, and in part already here in the "developed" world.

What's Wrong with the Black Community?
72 Opinion