Why is my female friend possessive of me, it's confusing and painful at times. She gets angry if I talk to girls but flirts with guys infront of me?

So I met her in college and I likes her a lot but I notice she always had to have guys around for attention. I didn't know what to make of it, didn't want to stick my neck out since she was a pretty girl she'd always confide in me tell me her past and how guys always try to ask her out then she turns them down and stop talking to her. I swallowed my emotions and decided I didn't want that to be my fate.
we started going to party's and clubs and I'd start meeting her female friends and she'd get angry and jelouse afterwards if they flirted with me or if I said anything nice to them. I even asked one of them for their number infront of her and she give it. On the way back to her apartment she seemed sad then said "You really like her don't you?". I can't understand why she would be like this. She talks to me about her past relationships flirts with guys infront of me an I just accept that's how she is so I can't date her I'm not into changing a woman for me so I let her be.
The fact that I actually like her hurts me when she gets angry and jelouse confuses and hurts me because I think theirs hope for us to work out, but I wonder if she just... likes me around because I make her happy and that's our entire friendship. I make her happy not the other way around.
Why is my female friend possessive of me, it's confusing and painful at times. She gets angry if I talk to girls but flirts with guys infront of me?
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