Why is male preference demonized but female preference is socially accepted?

So i see on gag sometimes when a guy post a question saying he can't bring himself to find women over 30 or 25 or some age attractive or won't date them that he's met with backlash. On both male and female sides people start posting up celebrities over this age group who are dolled up in professional makeup as an argument. Some girls and guys even leave a remark that the person is limiting their dating pool and missing out on great girls because he is narrow minded.
Why is male preference demonize but female preference is socially accepted ?
The same can be said when a man has a problem wanting to not date a girl who is pass a particular weight.

Yet, when women don't want to date guys younger than them, when women don't want to date guys shorter than them, when women don't want to date guys who are below a particular height, when women don't want to date guys who don't have a degree or make X number of dollars a year. People have no problem with it.
Why is male preference demonized but female preference is socially accepted?

No one tells women they are close minded and limiting their dating pool by only wanting men who fit these cookie cutter criteria traits. No one post up pictures of men who are short and great husbands/BF as a counter argument.

We all accept the women's choice and leave it at that. Why is it women are allowed to have standards but men are not?
Why is male preference demonized but female preference is socially accepted?
24 Opinion