Would you date a woman with a unibrow?

Cool- huge brows are in. I remember when I shaved my brow into two sharpie lines because I hated the mean comments on my appearance.

I come from hairy, Caribbean women and my unibrow was something I wanted permanently gone until recently. I kind of just slowly started to realize that unibrows aren't just fucking ugly like all those stupid don't judge challenges may portray hahaha xD but really I think unibrows can be very beautiful and I'm way too hesitant to grow mine out. My eyebrows grew back perfectly so now I'm happy having naturally thick eyebrows- waxing them into a shape I love. But maybe I should leave the middle?

how do YOU feel about the uni? Would you date a woman with a unibrow? Please tell me your opinions!! Thank you guys and know that I won't take offense if you think they are ugly- just please be considerate :)
Would you date a woman with a unibrow??

Would you date a woman with a unibrow?

Would you date a woman with a unibrow?
9 Opinion