Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?

What I've come to hate with a passion, is how political correctness, as a cultural doctrine, has come to poison, and infest the emotional, behavioural, sexual and physiological state of 'manhood'. You see, the pseudo-intellectual 'science' over the last 50-60 years, post-Frankfurt School of Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism), which has allowed the growing forces of the SJW degenerates, as useful idiots (see: Antonio Gramsci - Long March Through the Institutions) to shut down political debate via applying an 'ist', 'ism' or 'phobe/ic' ad-hominem assault, will, mark my words, raise a fiery storm amongst those of us who are still *MEN*, and feeling highly antagonised by the insanity of these cucked fools, and the circular illogic these degenerates use to silence consrtuctive social and political discourse.

See a nice pictorial timeline...

When things were biologically non-fucked up...
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?

When things went completely pair-shaped...
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?

Old fucks like George Soros , funding all the carnage below for his own pay masters (below)
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?

End Result:
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?

In light of the mass rapefugee influx via the Coudenhove-Kalergi worshipping mongrel Angela Merkel, I've come to realise that even more gravely, just how 'cucked', spineless and degenerate, biological 'males' have degraded themselves... (See above and below!).

What is to be done? - As Lenin famously wrote...

My personal view is such, that generation millenial (of which I'm a part of), is broadly fucked beyond reapair. White European men are no longer as such (in number), they cannot hold up stable relationships, they are becoming gay or attackhelicopterlampshadespongebobsquarepantspeople looking for safe spaces, they can't fight, are financial slaves without knowing it...(as are all of us in fairness), being culturally ruined by state-sponsored mass migration and so on. *FOR THOSE OF US LEFT, FIGHT ON, RAISE GOOD FAMILIES!
Are western men, generally speaking, emasculated cucks? Open opinions welcome?
4 Opinion