Kylie Jenner Plasticity Is Her Get Rich Boost

Kylie Jenner Plasticity Is Her Get Rich Boost

The image of perfection IS what sells today. That's just how it is.

And you can argue she's not perfect...but in today's society her aesthetic right now is what's considered perfect...and most socially pleasing to the eye.

Yeah, you can hate her...think she's extremely artificial and insecure about the way she looks...because it is true - to an extent - BUT you can't deny her plastic surgeries gained her so much social media following and her success in the cosmetics line (which would never exist if she looked like she did before surgery - or at least wouldn't be popular at all).

Kylie Jenner Plasticity Is Her Get Rich Boost

I'm talking about her own money - no Kardashian or Jenner money, but her Kylie money - she made it selling herself: and that brand wouldn't exist without those plastic boosts. So she might be plastic - but she gained a lot more than she lost...

Kylie Jenner Plasticity Is Her Get Rich Boost

It's an age-old Kardashian tradition...and even if she is half-Jenner...why break what works? Money, people, money is where it's at > for the Kardashian-Jenner brand.

Kylie Jenner Plasticity Is Her Get Rich Boost
28 Opinion