8 Reasons Why Guy Friends Are the Best

Here's a list of reasons why guy friends are the best and why I have so many of them. Even though I do have girl friends that are...
29 45

This Will Make Your Day Better

Hello مرحبا Today's take is something I just found on Facebook, thought I had to share and make your day better. Suggested reading...
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15 Things I Love About Girls

First of all, I don't want to generalize every girl. These are my personal opinions and I don't want to say if every other guy likes the...
19 11

Why Your Ethnic Identity And Heritage Matters And Why You Should Care

Introduction: I'm writing this MyTake to share my thoughts on why I think it is very important to preserve identity and heritage which...
20 36

"A Storm of Epic Proportions" Hurricane Florence Hits The Carolinas: A Look at the Devastation and Destruction

If you have been near a tv or internet the last 72 hours, you have probably heard about Hurricane Florence. The category 1 Hurricane...
12 22

Why Happy People Cheat

Infidelity happens in good and bad relationships. This happens even in open relationships, when sex with other people is carefully...
21 48

5 Signs That Your Relationship is Over

1. Conversation ends. Picture this, you try to talk, but get nowhere, or any attempt at conversation winds up an argument. 2. Romance...
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What Do Art with a Woman and Grim Reaper really mean?

I'm wondering on what the paintings/drawings of grim reaper (the death) and a young beautiful woman really means. If they're symbolizing...
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Can you “Describe your best friend in 3 words” ?

Amazing Empathetic Bastard❤️ Loll.
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Can a guy and a girl go to a baseball game as "just friends"?

There's this guy who I'm friends with benefits with pretty much. He stated awhile ago that he doesn't want to settle down. I have...
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How can I stop being a needy and clingy girlfriend?

Recently, I'm being too needy and clingy. Like I'm always on whatsapp waiting until my boyfriend texts me. Or else I'm on other social...
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Do people with divorced parents handle dating differently than others?

My parents have a great relationship so i can't understand and i would like to find out. Especially if their parents broke up when they...
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Are slightly flabby arms a dealbreaker?

Emilia Clarke is shamed for them for example despite being so beautiful, she seriously looks amazing, her body too. For me she's pretty...
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Do you think strong girls are unattractive?

I m learning fight sport I ve read in a lot of storys that guys are freaked out by a strong girl. Is that true?
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Do you think Cara Delevingne is ugly or attractive?

Based on looks only and not personality, I think she's below average but not ugly. She has clear skin but she looks too masculine:...
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