How To Intrigue A Man

How To Intrigue A Man There are some women who attract men to themselves like honey attracts bees. If you want to be one of those women...
22 88

Top Ten First Date Tips From Someone Who COULD Be Your Grandfather

When I was a young man, my generation thought that we were radically different from our parents' generation, we did things differently,...
14 22

Hiding your "real" personality from your family

I only realised how much I hid and continue to hide from my parents recently. I think almost everyone does this, so feel free to share...
10 39

Confessions of A Ladies Man: Ignoring Women is Leverage

When a woman is upset with you and coming to you as a mature adult to express her grief? Listen and show empathy. Sit her down. Tell her...
13 35

"How to Get Women" posts (A Review)

Hi. I'm BakedBeanieBabie. Annoying, UK-born bisexual feminist. *But you can call me Baked Bean if you like. We're all friends Here* I...
8 43

Why Tan Skin is Attractive

I'm not going to be PC or write a take that makes you feel good and me look like a "social justice savior" on the internet. Pale skin is...
61 67

First Date Questions Part 2: The Questions Not To Ask

So, I recently posted a mytake about questions you could ask on a first date. But more as a way to get a conversation going or steer the...
2 35

Have you ever had nightmares about school years after you have graduated?

Did you ever have any nightmares about school, like say you forgot your locker combination? Or that you were taking a test and hadn't...

What's it like to be an adult?

So I am 16 years old and I know I shouldn't think about that too much.. but what is it like to be an adult? I'm afraid of growing...
31 63

John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison?

He was excredited from the United States back to Spain to serve his sentence. Yes, he's the same person who invented the McAfee...

Why do I hate people borrow or use my stuff?

So, I live in boarding house, I have 7 friends who go to college with me and we're in the same floor. My boarding house have 3 floors,...

How old is too old to spank your kid?

What age is it no longer acceptable to spank your kid? If you oppose spanking altogether you can also comment and tell me what...
10 19

Currently married people: are you happy being married?

Marriage seems to draw more criticism than anything else on this site. The criticism seems to come primarily from guys, and I suspect...
8 20

Do you still align with the religion you grew up with?

People who grew up in religious house holds or were apart of religious communities, do you still align with the religion you were...
9 29

Guys, is a girl having bad breath a deal breaker for you?

I know a girl and her mouth smells like literal GARBAGE and she always has a boyfriend and guys begging to hook up with her. when I say...
5 36

Have you EVER rejected someone or even left someone because of what they did for a living?

I'm just wondering just how important this is for people. can the TYPE of job they have be a deal breaker for you?
28 25

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