10 Runner Problems

Inspiration for this myTake comes from the track season starting this week on Monday. These ten problems are things I have encountered...
9 14

Why Are You Always So Distant?

Introduction: I am 26 years old, and people always say the same things to me: 1. You're so quiet. 2. Why don't you talk to people? 3....
2 3

Valuable Life Lessons from "The Middle"

One of the most underrated and underappreciated sitcoms of all time. But nonetheless a sitcom full of life lessons and reality. Don't...
4 5

How I Lost 7 Pounds in 1 Week!

I am 26 years old, 5'6, and I weighed 129 lbls last week. Down to 122 this week! Here is how I did it :) 1. Cut out meat I love steak!...
15 14

5 Topics to Talk about on the First Date.

1. Travel Do you speak any other languages? What countries have you traveled to? What was your experience like of a different...
8 11

Sorry Not Sorry

Apologizing in 2017 apparently isn't what it used to be. According to the attitudes of our very own American president, it's seen as...
6 5

Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?

Vampires don't only take place in movies. They also take place in real life and suck your energy. They can be so close to you and even...
2 2

Caught my girlfriend on Tinder?

We have been dating for 5 and half months and right now she's in Canada with her friends till next week. My friend lives in the same...
13 18

How long do you wait before assuming you've been ghosted?

Situation: you meet someone, exchange numbers, and start texting back and forth. Then they all of a sudden stop responding. How long...

Do men notice when a woman wears an ass pad.. especially under dresses?

Yes unfortunately, it's actually a thing. And many many girls wear them especially at weddings under dresses if she's incredibly thin...
15 25

Am I the only one that thinks Bella Thorne isn't all that great?

I mean she's kinda cute but thats all. They try to make her something big but I haven't seen her do much in terms of acting since Shake...
12 14

Guys, what are your texting habits like when you're interested in a girl VS when you're not?

Just interested hearing a few opinions. I'm going on second date with a guy this weekend and his texting habits suck. It's too early for...

Do guys pay attention to a girl's perfume?

Do guys even care what perfume we wear or are we just choosing it for ourselves?

Do you think that MGTOW is stupid?

It's just a bunch of guys whining about women...
20 49

Did you grow up in a home where nudity was acceptable?

If you grew up in a nudist family, hopefully it had a positive impact on you. Will you repeat this with your family when you have children?
19 26

Does Height Matter?

Many complain that they may be too small or too tall to attract the opposite sex ( so they say ) but to you does height actually matter...
22 34

Shanna vs. Indominus Rex (Jurrasic World) ... Who would win?

Not to be confused with Sheena because they're both different characters. Shanna has the strength of 12 men, can run at 52 miles per...
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