My Thoughts on Written Communication and Why Twitter is Pointless

OK, here is the thing. Besides my irrational dislike for twitter, there is a good reason why not to use it. 140 characters. Yeah, that’s...
8 18

How to Find the Right Person for You! #findingtheone

Good things come to those who wait..." With about 7.5 billion people in the world it's hard to find the right "one". Nowadays it seems...
8 16

Why a Woman Rejects a Man

You're-probably-a-lesbian, and other falsehoods. When I was single, sometimes men had laid out their charm, hoping I’d pick up on it or...
27 69

Reasons Moisturizing Is Important

Moisturizing your skin might be a bit of a pain sometimes...especially your whole body every day, but you have to know why it's...
9 15

Improving Attractiveness To The Opposite Sex

Judging by the "How do I look?" section of this website, the popularity of image-based websites such as Instagram and Snapchat, and the...
14 31

Reasons Why I Find Babies Visually Unappealing

*Do not be offended by this mytake. This is completely satirical and intended only to get a laugh out of people. This will be my first...
21 36

My Experience Being Ghosted: Epilogue Part 2

( My ghost, "Casper" a/k/a Miss Linda. This is not a picture of Miss Linda but it is someone who looks very much like her. ) I...
11 15

Do American guys like British accents on girls?

As an English girl, I'm always hearing about how hot/sexy American girls find English guys' accents, but I'm wondering if it also works...

Guys why do you compliment girls?

what are your honest reasons? you like her you want to be nice want to make us happy do you complement her even if its hard to...
8 151

Is it wrong to "talk" to two guys at once?

And by "talk" I mean the flirting kind

If a girl won't reply on Tinder?

I get it all the time, I message a girl that matches me but never actually talks to me back. It's dumb. But the thing is, half the time,...

How tall is too tall for a girl?

I am 5'10 (1.77cm) Is it too tall?
11 44

When Is The Right Time to Go "Facebook Official?"?

How long should you wait before you change your relationship on Facebook, where the entire public can see?
15 16

Which gender has more picky eaters?

I used to think men... but recently I see many women who won't eat so many things.
16 12

Guys: Do you like it when a girl speaks her mind? Girls: Are you the blunt or quiet type?

I've always been very open and honest in general. So much so that it's almost as if I shock people for being real instead of just...
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