Guys: How important is sex to you in a relationship?

I recently read an article that talked about the difference between a man and woman's views on sex in a serious relationship. They suggested that men need sex and physical intimacy to feel loved. They feel rejected and unloved if they are denied it (whether intentionally or not) in a relationship.

Women, on the other hand, don't need sex to feel loved but need words and reassurance. As a girl, I could not have sex with my boyfriend for months and would know he still loves me (through his words and other actions). I'm not sure he could say the same, though.

Guys: Would you agree with this? Do you feel unloved if you don't have sex for long periods of time with your partner?

Girls: Do you feel as though you need to be told you're loved to feel it? Or do you feel it through sex?
I'm a guy and I need sex from my partner to feel loved.
I'm a guy and I don't need sex from my partner to feel loved.
I'm a girl and I need sex from my partner to feel loved.
I'm a girl and I don't need sex from my partner to feel loved.
Other (in comments).
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Guys: How important is sex to you in a relationship?
13 Opinion