Letter to My Ex


Letter to My Ex

Dear, Mr. Lying Deceiving Piece of Pure Shit EX of Mine

Letter to My Ex

I Wish Things were Different

Granted, I now understand what you're trying to say, and also understand that you are simply just a horrible cold person who thinks lying is cool and has no empathy like a psychopath. Got it !

Letter to My Ex

What I don't understand is when you started thinking it was okay to be a Huge Piece of Shit and be so mean to me? You are the reason some women become gay later in life, or go to prison for hurting a man.

Letter to My Ex

Lesson Learned

You will be my reminder in life from now on for several things. My reminder Wolve's do come in Sheep's Clothing, My reminder Why 5 Inches isn't enough, and most important if I do ever make another horrible, stupid choice in my life you will be the reminder * that it can always be worse*.

Letter to My Ex

Almost everyday I miss you. Then I remember what you did to me, how you treated and seriously consider destroying you. You were sapposed to be a honest person, but Satan was sapposed to be an angel. I didn't see the connection before recently. How's hell this time of year?

Letter to My Ex


You were right about one thing however, I was faking it all those times in bed. Also, tell your brother I changed my mine about his offer, I'm down. Hopefully, this helped to emotionally castrate you a bit. Because you have emotionally devistated me by I guess just being your true cruel asshole self.

Love you, #@$_&$@

Letter to My Ex

Thanks for reading everyone and please remember,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Letter to My Ex
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