7 Things I Want to Tell My Ex Girlfriend

For those of you who don't know me... Hi. I'm PinkPandaBear180... or simply "Mr. Bear". Recently, I just got out of a relationship which...
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Breaking Up With an "Almost Boyfriend" is as Hard as Breaking Up With an "Actual Boyfriend"

I met him in college -- 6 years ago now. Fast forward a few years and I found myself working at the same company as he was -- I remember...
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20 Quotes About Getting Over Heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings ever... when you're hurt by the one you love, it can feel like you'll never be happy again. But...
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Will they break your heart again..

This MyTake is for all those Gagers that have their heart broken by someone, but that someone came back to try again with them. Have...
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Breaking up: you may want to die. . . but you won't, so do yourself a favor and deal with it!

This is the sixth rewrite of a myTake from a few years ago. I have a fresh perspective on this particular subject because I have been...
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Dating With Depression. 3 Amazing Tips To Get You Through It!

Dating with depression is one of the hardest things you can go through in your life. When you are depressed and looking for a partner,...
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Inspiring Quotes to Help You Leave the Narcissist!

Narcissist: exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings....
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Why did he block me all of a sudden?

So me and this guy used to date for two months but he broke it off. I was really miserable after that for many many months and tried...

My ex is flirting with my best friend. what do I do?

i have broken up with my ex for like 3 years now, but i still have feelings for him, and all my best friends know that even if i still...

Should I apply for the same job my ex works at or no?

So my current job drop me down to 14hours a week so am now looking for a 2nd job that will give me 10-16 hours working 3 days a week. I...

Should I tell his wife he cheated on her?

So long story short I was talking to this guy for a long time and we finally decided to meet and go on a trip together on the last day...

Why is my ex trying to make me jealous?

He broke up with me 2 weeks ago but insisted that we stay friends. I told him I couldn't when I still have feelings for him right now...

Does it mean anything when an ex watches your snapchat story?

My ex and I are still friends on snapchat. Things ended badly a few months ago (we got in a fight, stopped speaking, a few weeks later I...

My ex boyfriend dumped me twice but he plays the victim. Why is he acting this way when he's the one that hurt me and dumped me?

We were in love. First loves, first everything, we dated for two years and then for another 3 on and off. He dumped me not twice but...

She cheated on me, now she broke up with him and wants me back?

So few months back I had a hot af and popular girlfriend, that I caught cheating on me (kinda). She thought I wanted to break up so she...
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Do you cry after a breakup?

im always crying after i get over a relationship because i fall TOO deep when i fall for someone. and it seems like the guy never ever...
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