Songs to comfort someone going through a breakup

The Three of Swords Sing me a song of a lass who is gone/Say can that lass be I... A wistful song about remembering good times. Don’t...
5 16

Want to break up with your girlfriend but not do it yourself? Here's how to make it happen harmlessly

Breaking up with a girlfriend will 80% of times bring her to tears and she will likely cry and be in pain. Most of the times no normal...
14 21

What It's Really Like for Many Fathers After a Separation or Divorce

1) His rights are heavily dependent on cooperation from the kids' mother Fathers are often illegally denied even court-mandated...
13 31

Be careful dishing out an unqualified diagnosis on your Ex and what Personality Disorder you "feel" they have. This is dangerous..

This is a response, (previously posted as guidance and subsequently blocked), to an individual, who posted a vindictive person's "false...
6 4

My experience after having heartbreak caused by a woman!

It's been a long time since my ex left me. And recalling all fun dates I had with her, I can't help but blame myself for not fighting...
6 8

True off my chest: I mindfucked myself for 5 years

This is just my personal drama, I have to get this off my chest...going through a divorce at 23 has totally wrecked me. And rebuilt me....
2 7

Letter to My Ex

Letter to My Ex Dear, Mr. Lying Deceiving Piece of Pure Shit EX of Mine I Wish Things were Different Granted, I now understand what...
23 49

friends with benefits confusing me?

FWB? So my friends with benefits (m/28) wants to take a break but kept asking if that was okay with me (f/26) Well he started of...

My ex dumped me 2 weeks ago but still hasn’t taken down our lovey dovey photos from social media?

2 weeks ago my boyfriend of one year (we are both 20 and sophomores in college) broke up with me a week before our one year anniversary...

How do you move on from a relationship with no closure?

My ex broke up with me. We were together for a year. He was a narcissist. He blocked me on everything. I’m trying to move on, but I have...
20 37

Blocking ex's on facebook?

Guys, if you split up with your other half, why would you block them after 6 months of barely no contact? you still have a previous ex...

How do I get revenge on the guy who was raw dogging my ex and give me an STD?

Basically he was told to stay away last year because there was a kid involved, he lied and didn't. I've already put my cheating lying ex...

Boyfriend wants me to choose between him and my cousin?

He wants me to cut off my cousin. I used to have a boyfriend last summer, I had some problems going on and we were on long distance, I...

Should I leave him on read or delivered?

I texted my crush. We both said we like each other. But he’s a horrible texter. It took him over a day to respond to my text. I’m kinda...
0 3

Would you get back with your ex if they asked?

Imagine that they broke up with you and felt sorry about it would you get back with them
33 37

Would you divorce your wife/husband, if she/he becomes fat?

Well, you and your partner are married very long and have kids but your spouse becomes fat. Would you leave your spouse then? I...
8 26

Have you ever reunited with an ex? How did that work out?

Sometimes, people break up when they will be separated by distance for a long time: they are going to college in different states, one...
13 34

Are you still arguing with an ex in your head?

You know those relationship arguments that don't end things between you but rather makes you resent the other person for their stance in...
7 8

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