How The Obesity Epidemic And Fat Acceptance Is Adversely Affecting Dating

How The Obesity Epidemic And Fat Acceptance Is Adversely Affecting Dating

A lot of people seem to be unaware of this issue that we currently have on hand, but it is one that is very real and is affecting most people in the dating world.

With the rise of obesity rates and fat acceptance, dating is taking a bad turn.

Generally speaking, women are mixed when it comes to dating an obese man. Some say that they find it extremely unattractive, some don’t mind, others say they consider the extra “cushion” a plus.

The same cannot be said about how men feel towards obese women. Most men are against the idea of dating/marrying an obese or “bigger” woman. They consider it a major turn off. Even some degree of being overweight is a major deal breaker for several men (although some don’t mind).

So how is this affecting dating?

Women who are at healthy weight are now more desirable than probably any time in history. They don’t exactly have to be physically fit or look like a Victoria Secret Model, being a healthy weight can give women sooo many more opportunities in dating provided that she is relativy decent looking.

Generally speaking, most men aren’t too picky about someone’s appearance when it comes to dating so being a healthy weight makes these women much more desirable.

So all this compared to the swipe culture of dating app, the dating pool for women who are at a healthy weight has grown substantially while the dating pool for men is shrinking.

And as much as fat acceptance tries to be pushed by Social Justice Warriors, it cannot and will not happen. Most men won’t allow it.

How The Obesity Epidemic And Fat Acceptance Is Adversely Affecting Dating
32 Opinion