How to make a guy fall in love with you!


Are you looking for a guy to date and a make him a boyfriend? Well here are steps to make a guy fall in love with you head over heels and these are foolproof! I got mine when I did all of these and trust me it works.

make a guy fall in love with you
make a guy fall in love with you

1. Make eye contact

When you look at him, you should smile in a way that makes a guy welcome to approach you. And your stare should be at least 3 seconds for him to notice it.

2. Greet him often

When he passes by, wave your hand or simply say hello. Do this for a couple of times and he'll start to get close to you that he'll be willing to talk to you.

3. Get close to him

sit next to him
sit next to him

Not in a way that seems you're stalking him but in a way that you want to connect. Sit next to your crush or at his back during class hours. That way he'll notice you right away and he might start to think of you.

4. Cheer him up when he's sad

cheer him up
cheer him up

I rarely see other girls do this to their crush. Some think that guys are wired to be emotionally strong but in reality, guys have feelings too, they get tired of bottling their emotions up. When you see him crying, make him happy and be there for him. It's important to show him your support and care because you want him to think that you are girlfriend material.

5. Light touches

hug him
hug him

Gentle touches makes him feel loved and he'll never forget the feeling. Hugs or a pat in his back will do.

6. Whisper something in his ear

whisper in his ear
whisper in his ear

Whether it's your secret or a thing that you don't want others to hear, whisper it in his ear so that he'll remember it and will start to melt his heart, because he knows you can trust him.

7. Friendly teasing

tease him
tease him

Put a little humor on your conversation with him so that he'll start interacting with you more because now, he thinks you're a joyful person to be with. For example: When he says his favorite TV show is American Dad, tell him that you used to watch it when you were 12. It's like showing him he's your younger brother. (Make sure not to take your jokes too far though as long as he doesn't get offended you're cool!)

8. Be independent

independent woman
independent woman

Do not depend on his help always as he might start thinking you're using him. Rather appreciate what he does for you and thank him for it. Also, give him space and maintain your connection with other people. Do not play mind games as some guys might actually think you don't like them anymore and will move on. Rather show your life that doesn't involve him while still making time for him. Meanwhile, he'll have his chance to miss you and come back at you.

9. Be polite

polite woman
polite woman

It's so sad to hear that only guys should be polite to girls and not the other way around. I don't know maybe it's because chivalry is dead. If only girls show politeness to their crush then I'll believe about gender equality. For example: He's holding a lot of stuff and he'll enter a room, you wouldn't mind opening the door for him right? Do this and he'll appreciate it.

10. Show him love and respect

show him love
show him love

The last step of making him fall for you is when you show him you're a girl of virtue and your love for him is unconditional. Accept him for who he is and never forget to value what he does for you. When he takes you out, tell him that you enjoy being with him and you're more than willing to reciprocate what he does.

How to make a guy fall in love with you!
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