Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!

Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!

I am ripping a plaster of sweet lies off rapidly here but this is no secret to any of us. While it appears to be an unpopular opinion the matter of this fact is here to stay and has been for thousands of years.

I have read into the triune brain theory and the reptilian complex of it. There is a heavy support with proven effects of the theory, that women's reptilian complex is activated by certain but very obvious criteria (Money and power (such as physical strength and stoicism)). We men have this reptilian complex too, however it is being activated by different factors (most notably beautiful women. For some of us it's also their big boobs, for some men it's the girls big butt and other physical properties).

We are visual and logical and women are emotional and feelings oriented. When they think of flowers we think of gears. When they think of minor details we think of the overall usefulness. When they think of how person A is doing or looking and we think of how object B is performing or it's effectiveness. When they think of the prettiness of the amethysts we think of the sturdiness of the material.

Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!
Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!

Have you ever seen a rich man with an ugly woman or a fat woman? I haven't.

I can't say the same regarding beautiful women being with ugly men. One reason being that ugly men can be rich and that effectively compensates for what they lack in. I need just one picture to prove this point

Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!
Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!
Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!
Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!

To recap it all

Men get aroused by young and beautiful women, who have sexy bodily features.

Women get aroused by being sponsored yummy meals in nice looking restaurants and feeling and seeing these muscles.


I know not all of them are gold diggers. The ambitious women in Europe tend to not take any of this crap and some women in other cultures take an example from them. They do their thing and are happy and share their happiness like the sun shining on us.

Money and power gets women aroused! Young and beautiful women gets men aroused!
66 Opinion