Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation

This is a topic that I covered with some diverse friends where I honestly learned so much. This is a reoccurring problem that happens...
2 8

The American Bubble: Get Out and Stay Out!

The strange thing about American’s to perhaps some foreigners, is that we may come off as too in your face, to in your business, too...
5 13

Why Women Love The Alpha Male

The idea that women are universally attracted to "Alpha Males" is a stereotype and doesn't accurately represent the complexities of...
10 22

When You’re Doing The Most

How would YOU define or differentiate between these five words— territorial, jealous, possessive, clingy, overprotective? Would you...
2 24

Spring into bloom: 5 plants to freshen up your home

Spring has arrived! It is a beautiful time of year when everything starts to grow and bloom again. It's a perfect time to bring some of...
2 9

Everthing You Need to Know About Oscars 2024

Hey, if you're feeling left behind by too much information about the Oscars, this MyTake has got you covered. Here, you'll find all the...
6 8

10 Signs she is about to leave you.

1- She stops bringing issues to your attention this. does not mean that she has suddenly become the cool girl and has changed her...
3 9

How can you tell if someone genuinely loves you?

I've personally never experienced a truly loving relationship. Only situation-ships. I honestly don't know what that kind of thing would...

Have you ever been given a "strange" compliment?

For example, I was once told that I have nice elbows and knees.

Does everyone have a bit of competitiveness?

Cause one can believe they don't until they run into something they truly care about and they can get competitive, isn't discussing and...

Do you like Pin Up art?

My wife got a Pin Up art of herself for her shop, a nice art of her as cute, well-endowed girl offering the viewer her steaks and...

Do you ever get insecure about your S. O’s attractive and famous friends?

My boyfriend is friends with a lot of very attractive influencers and even some celebrities. His siblings are also popular influencers....
3 3

Are you a dog person, a cat person, or both?

I have a cat so I guess that makes me a cat person. Cats are more my style anyway. Easier to take care of. I like dogs too, but they’re...
17 18

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