Why Co-Mingling Your Finances in a Relationship Might be a Mistake

My last relationship lasted 4 years and we actually split finances in (now) my apartment including utilities, rent, car, credit cards...
4 12

Women Don't Normally Like Complimenting Men On Their Looks

I've asked a couple of "How I Look" questions recently. And trust me I've been doing it by heart. There are moments I'm truly interested...
30 31

13 Critical Lessons From Thirteen Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why dramatizes the painful decision of young fictional teenage girl to kill herself. Without spoiling it, I found myself...
17 10

How To Date A Girl If You're Shy

Get out more Shy people tend to have small circles of friends and don't normally strike up conversations with strangers. Start going...
8 13

What Is Dating in the Middle East Like

I hear so many opinions from girls and guys about dating in the middle east, and most of the time the people get so many things wrong...
5 14

Stop Ruining the Chances For the Good Men Out There!

Men: Have you ever wondered why women have gotten very defensive when you’re just being yourself? Isn’t it irritating when girls feel as...
1 36

Thoughts on How Not To Scare Off Girls

A lot of guys scratch their heads when good flirtatious vibes with a girl suddenly come to a screeching halt and we are left clueless as...
13 17

How to impress Uncle's daughter?

I haven't seen her before 12th grade. i don't even started to speak to her

Do you swipe left on tinder a lot too?

For the life of me I can’t seem to find someone interesting and hot at the same time. Like if I see a hot guy, and his description...

What's wrong with my tinder profile?

I've been using Tinder for the past two years with basically no success. A match once every blue moon, 1 response every 5 matches...

Im always the rebound, never the girlfriend. How do I not feel ugly and hurt?

I dated a guy for a few months after he broke up with his girlfriend (lets calls her S). He and S dated for over a year, and I started...

He leaves me on open on snapchat a lot, what should I do?

I started talking to this guy just recently and we’ve been talking for probably a week now and he will snapchat me and stuff and he...

Would You Date A Flat-Chested Girl?

Say she has a really pretty face, tall, slender and generally a good body but pretty much no boobs, would you not give her a chance or...

Would you date a drummer?

Hellos to you, hope you're having a swell day! As the title asks, would you date a drummer? Cause I've had people say that drummers are...
19 3

Would You Date a Former Cheater?

25 23

Can fuckboys and players change?

For a while I was a player I guess you could say, lead girls on them just drop them. I didn't see any wrong in it first since I thought...
3 3

Should men always initiate conversation or should the woman or 50/50?

Is it wrong to get upset when you’re always the one reaching out and the relationship feels one sided?
15 15

Have you ever dumped someone because they were too messy?

Like they are almost the opposite of a neat freak. They don’t pick up after themselves, eat in the bed and get crumbs all over it...
15 16

Did you ever regret friend-zoning a girl?

Guy who friend zoned me now regrets it after I disappeared from his life completely.

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