What Women Should Not Have on Dating App Profiles

Hello ladies, are you having trouble getting high quality men to swipe right on your dating app profiles? Here are just a few annoying...
18 49

The Truth About Why Men Won't Date Single Mothers

They Made Their Bed and Must Lie In It It takes 2 people to have unprotected sex. Often times a baby daddy is the one that is blamed for...
24 72

Women Want Attention, Not Love-How Men Can Test Dating Prospects

Men want sex and women want attention. Dating life for men out there is savage. There's a lot of women out there who are not interested...
7 16

Confessions of a Ladies Man: What I Learned During Years of Being a Male Bestie

Being a Ladies Man I have spent decades as a man in the “Best Friend” zone. I go to clubs with groups of women. I spend alone time with...
7 13

Three Rules For First Date!

Three 1st Date Rules Some thumb rules to have a good interpersonal impression on other : For the sake of understanding, imagine you're...
2 17

Confessions of a Ladies Man: When should a woman have sex with a new guy?

The answer to this question is whenever your feel comfortable and horny enough to want it. The problem with this question The problem...
15 18

Lessons of Getting an Ex Girlfriend Back: Week 1 Don't Beg

It is my hope that following this progression will serve useful in learning how to navigate issues you might have yourself. 2/28/21: I...
1 5

Am I not pretty enough for some free dinner?

I ask because men have gotten upset with me for wanting them to buy me food. I am a really good person who likes food I cannot afford,...

Went on 6 dates with a guy but he still updated his dating profile, does that mean he isn’t interested?

We’ve been on 6 dates and they’ve all gone well and he seems really interested- he brings me gifts each time, regularly messages me,...

Would you prefer a partner who challenged you costantly, ot someone more passive and remissive?

''Challenging'' as they make you experiment new experiences and encourage you to explore your potential, and also discuss views and ideas.
11 37

How can you get a second date?

I've had many first dates (most from tinder or facebook) they ware all walk around a park/city type of date. What can I do to get a...

How to know if a guy is serious about you?

I've known this guy for a month. We text everyday and had few phone calls. He text me first a lot and sometimes he text me for no reason...

As a woman is it wrong to work on yourself before getting in a relationship?

Why do women get such a bad rap for taking care of her self. I mean going to college, career paying for her own things. Such as car,...
21 51

When you start dating someone, are you afraid to tell them your actual goal in dating?

In my experience, younger people do not often go on a first date and say, "I'm really looking for someone who is a good match for me so...
19 41

Do you think a year is enough time to talk about marriage with your partner?

I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now , I love him , I want to be his wife , I'm shy to talk about this but I want to just...
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Is This Message Bad?

Hello, I'm trying to message this girl and wondering if it's bad and I need to change it.
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Are knock knees a dealbreaker?

Are knock knees a dealbreaker when dating?
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