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+1 y

Are men more or less attracted to women who ask them out first?

Society makes us feel that is the man's responsibility, but things have changed though a lot of guys feel shy when asked so many will warmly appreciate the request. Dating

+1 y

Can men and women be just friends?

Yes very possible, as a man I have females friends which the boundary ends at friendship Family & Friends

+1 y

What’s your opinion on unisex toilets?

Privacy is what people want when using rest rooms Society & Politics

+1 y

Who tends to be more forgiving: atheists or Christians?

Whosoever understands the principle and beauty of forgiveness which is written in the bible, forgive others as you want to be forgiven. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you think there is a superior gender?

I don't think there is , but both sexes need each other. As a man I need a woman, and women need men, so it is more of balancing than showing superiority. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do white guys like black girls? Or is not about race more about the person?

It is more of the person than the race, though some people of certain race, they act differently. Dating

+1 y

Girlfriend doesn’t want me watching shows and movies with nudity?

That is the good type of girlfriend, and that the type we need. Dating

+1 y

What's your personal take on Psychic Readings?

your future is in your own hands. Your decisions today is your future. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why are Lebanese girls so damn pretty?

yes there are beautiful, nature made it so Society & Politics

+1 y

Guys, what body type do you prefer on girls?

The first three are ok. Dating

+1 y

Obsessed with girls with long hair?

obsession is not love. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why do guys block girls on social media?

call him and let him explain. Probably he is not sure of himself. Have you gone for a test? Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why does my teacher blush around me?

There is some amount of uncomfort, he has to deal with it. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

If a womanizer ends up falling in love, how do you think he will treat her?

There is a spirit behind every problem, to set yourself free, you have to stop that habit, then the spirit will flee. It takes a lot of energy to achieve this. But a journey of a thousand mile... Dating

+1 y

What does it mean when someone says "I like your edge" ?

It means he likes your shape. Do not fall that! Other

+1 y

What does it mean when your crush tells you about another girl?

He is simply telling you his direction of thoughts. To get him you have to capture his attention. Guy's Behavior

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