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+1 y

Does status and power get you hot girls?

Yes and no. Depends on the amount of money and power, and depends on the type of woman. ;) Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you date someone who rejected you in the past?

Yes and no. Depends on the nature of the rejection and the length of time between rejection and possible dating again. Dating

+1 y

Dose this really burn 1000 calories?

Sorry, not a chance in hell. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you shut your brain off when you exercise?

Oh yeah, brain's off. I'm only focusing on what I'm doing. This is especially important when training; if you let your mind wander, you'll inevitably fall off the pace. :) Health & Fitness

+1 y

How to become muscular quick without drugs or excercise?

Why does it have to be so fast? Just do it right and it'll happen; have patience. Health & Fitness

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