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+1 y

Would you rather live in the future or the past?

The future "because no matter how long it takes people will continue to seek out happiness... I've seen it over and over, the people who struggle against sadness, those who seek the future, how... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are you voting for Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or someone else?

I'm voting for Harambe. He has a great economic and foreign policy. His running mate Deez Nutz will be focusing on the domestic policy. I can't wait till Anderson Cooper interviews them on... Trending & News

+1 y

What does being sedated at the dentist feel like?

Your mouth feels frozen. Depending on how strong the sedative is you'll either not feel a thing as the teeth are being removed and will just feel a bit sore after or you'll feel some of the pain. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Zika Virus and Abortion?

When it comes to abortion I evaluate whether one should occur on a case by case basis. In most cases abortions happen because of poor choices by the woman or financial instability. These are cases... Trending & News

+1 y

Should Star Wars be banned since it's a terrorist story?

No it shouldn't be banned but I've never thought of it as a terrorist story. I would like to see the Empire's perspective on things it would be really interesting. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How do I become a trans racial korean girl?

I've always felt like I should be a transformer that could transform into a tank at will. That way I would never be stuck in traffic and always get my way. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn?

I want a pegacorn. When I was little I wanted to see a pegasus with a unicorn horn. Other

+1 y

Do islamists know what they are missing out on by not eating pork?

Jews also don't eat pork. That's one of the main reasons why I don't follow Judaism. I LOVE all pig based foods, be it pork, bacon, or... Food & Beverage

+1 y

How Awesome is it going to be when Trump wins and builds his Mexican wall?

I never got the "undocumented immigrants" thing. It sounds like they lost their paper work. I like the analogy of drug dealers being "unlicensed pharmacists". Who knows maybe they're in med... Trending & News

+1 y

Why is catcalling so bad?

It's disrespectful to yell sexual phrases towards a person that is just going about their day. It degrades the woman into simply an object of sexual desire rather than an individual with thoughts... Dating

+1 y

Why some tall girls have height complex?

I'm 183 cm as well and I prefer a girl between 175-180 cm since I get intimidated by people taller than me. Dating

+1 y

Why does everyone hate black people?

I don't hate Blacks, I hate Black Lives Matter or as I prefer to call them Black Lies Matter. This group as well as rappers hurt the overall image of Black people by making them appear as... Society & Politics

+1 y

Girls, which body type are you , and which type you prefer? Guys which body type you fidn attractive on girls?

In order of liking Full hour glass, Inverted triangle, Neat hour glass, Rectangle Relationships

+1 y

Boyfriend overslept and missed our date?

He was probably overtired from the day before. Let him sleep. If it happens often then you should be concerned but for now, let him rest. Dating

+1 y

Don't you think Kim Kardashian has the most beautiful body?

Physically yes but I've seen too much of her so not so much anymore. Dating

+1 y

Is there a pill that makes me gay? Why the hell would you want to be gay? Health & Fitness

+1 y

Sexiest man alive?

I guess whoever you see in the mirror Other

+1 y

How can I lose weight?

You weigh 52.3 kg? That's not overweight. I weigh 64 kg and I'm barely at normal weight. If you're really serious than go to the gym and change your diet. But common your weight is normal.... Health & Fitness

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