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1 y

Are trans women and trans men real women & men? 🏳️‍⚧️?

A "trans woman" is a man with psychological problems. And thanks to today's delusions, he doesn't even need to be taking hormones or have undergone maiming surgery cutting off his genitals, he... Society & Politics

1 y

Agree or Disagree: A handsome single man in his 30's is an eligible bachelor. A pretty single woman in her 30's is... what's wrong with her?

Simple. A woman is in her prime around 18-24ish if she's taking care of herself and living healthy. That's when women have almost endless dating options and can make bank off their looks. A man's... Dating

1 y

Who lives easier life : men or women?

In the USA/Canada/Europe, women overall have life easier. Africa/Asia? ehh not so much. Dating

1 y

Are Liberals the Real Racists?

Liberals are racist against White people, simply reality. Society & Politics

1 y

The New Covid-19 Booster is now available. Are you getting it?

Personally no, not getting it. The vaccines seem to have been very ineffective at actually preventing infection, not to mention the media and big tech effort to keep anyone from discussing side... Health & Fitness

1 y

Do you believe in replacement theory?

It seems to be pretty much factual truth. Society & Politics

1 y

Have you ever told someone you LOVED them but knew it was a lie?

Yup. I knew the person would be devastated if I didn't say it, so I said it. Relationships

1 y

If America is invaded, would it be immoral to arm children?

If the USA was invaded, who would want to risk their lives to defend it? Black people, who believe they're oppressed and literally being hunted for sport when they go outside? White people, who... Society & Politics

1 y

What do you think is causing the military Recruitment problems?

1. The army isn't keeping us free--they're just fighting the wars of the moment for the political class. And that isn't even working out--go look at the footage of the US Army fleeing Afganistan.... Society & Politics

1 y

Do vitamin supplements and multivitamins actually work?

It depends on what you hope they'll do. They work great for what they actually do, yes. Health & Fitness

1 y

Do more Guns reduce crime?

Crime depends on the people, not poverty or guns. In the USA, violent crime is primarily an African problem--the European American crime rate fits fine into European stats. If we actually want to... Society & Politics

1 y

Is executing FBI agents part of the Republican platform?

Thank God, it's not a White man saying that, it's a hispanic. Society & Politics

1 y

Are men more or less interested in a woman who is desired by other men?

I would agree. I think a girl getting a lot of male attention is going to be a negative for guys who would date her and want a relationship. Probably a plus for guys who just want to bang though. Guy's Behavior

1 y

Is America a Christian Nation?

It started out as a christian nation. Now it is multiple nations inside one country, vying for power over each other. Religion & Spirituality

1 y

Can a Parentless 16-Year-Old be Too Immature for an Abortion?

Your phrasing is actually misleading. Adoption is legal in Florida, no? Her legal guardian is sane of mind and can contact adoption agencies and family law offices to find a family that wants to... Society & Politics

1 y

Kayne West's Yeezy Line put in trash bags at GAP. Dumpsters next?

LOL do you think girls want to go to pricey stores to buy name brand things... out of a garbage bag? That's like big lots level crap. Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Scotland made Menstrual Products free! Do you think this will be a pioneer for other countries?

They aren't free though--they're just being billed to men and women who don't have cycles as well now via taxes. Health & Fitness

1 y

So…Biden isn't running again. Repubs might win and then Pardon Trump, right?

Maybe if Desantis wins. Most of the GOP is simply Democrat Lite edition. That's why when Trump was President, a lot of the GOP including Paul Ryan was siding against him on actually carrying out... Society & Politics

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