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+1 y

Is it weird if couples read books to each other aloud before sleeping?

Every happy couple is a little bit weird. Finding someone who connects with your weird is one of the best things about love. Relationships

+1 y

What do you think of black women?

They are women. They are black. That's about all I think of 'black women' as a group. Other

+1 y

Do you think gender differences are biological or cultural?

Largely cultural but there are of course some biological differences. Society & Politics

+1 y

Share your thoughts and experiences on #STEALTHING. Should we take it under a CRIME?

It is a crime. As it should be. Performing a sexual act on someone that they do not consent to is sexual assault. If a person consents to sex with a condom, but not to sex without a condom,... Trending & News

+1 y

My parents won't let me be Muslim, any ideas on how I can change their mind?

Don't convert to a religion just for some guy... that is silly. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

My boyfriend tells other people that he's single... It's been 3yrs in this relationship.. what do I do?

Why are you dating this guy? Honestly. He seems to have absolutely no concern about making you feel insecure. That is super fucked up. It's not a healthy relationship. If he loved you, he would be... Relationships

+1 y

How do marriages work in different countries, who pays the bill? Bride and groom or their parents?

Depends on the couple and their families. We will be paying for most of it ourselves with a small contribution from each set of parents. I think that's a pretty common way of doing it these days.... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Why do women fat shame other women?

To make themselves feel better. But it doesn't work. It just makes them assholes which makes them even less likable. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

The less active you are on social media about your relationship, the more secure your relationship is?

I don't think it's a matter of Facebook affecting the relationship negatively tho. It comes down to insecurity in the relationship. Often times the people who are the most showboaty about their... Relationships

+1 y

How do I make my ex jealous?

Move on and live your life... by trying to make him jealous, all you're doing is holding yourself back. It's silly. Dating

+1 y

My new boyfriend says I'm fat and need to lose weight?

He's a fuckwad. Move on. You don't need that kind of person in your life. Dating

+1 y

Would you date someone half or twice your age?

Well half my age would be super gross and illegal hahaha so definitely not. And twice my age would also be super gross considering that would be a senior citizen. So in short, hell no. Dating

+1 y

Do You Count Calories To Stay Healthy?

I don't count every single calorie, but I do pay attention to how much I'm consuming and I try to keep my meals under 600 and snacks under 200. Breakfast and lunch are usually 300 to 500 and... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Should there be stricter laws towards mentally unstable people as a result of the Las Vegas shooting?

Emotionally unstable and mentally ill don't always go hand in hand. And in fact, people who are mentally ill are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. I'm... Trending & News

+1 y

Atheists & Agnostics, did you believe in any religion/belief system before becoming atheist/agnostic? If so, what?

Yeah I grew up protestant but always struggled to make sense of it. Eventually I gave up, and here we are. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you believe the government and the news about the Las Vegas shooting?

Seriously? You people would rather believe your government (who in the government btw?) Made this all up to TEK MAH GUNZ!!! Jesus Christ. I can't even keep up with the level of crazy in your... Trending & News

+1 y

Why isn't the Las Vegas shooting considered a terrorist attack?

They don't know the motives yet. However, I agree that the media is too quick to label any attack by a certain race or religion as terrorism before knowing the details... Trending & News

+1 y

Do you believe that love is anything more than chemical?

Lust and initial attachment are chemical. Love is a choice that we make every single day. It's commitment. Dating

+1 y

Las Vegas shooting = Worst mass shooting in U.S. history. Your thoughts?

America has a violence problem and you people need to get fucking serious about it. Enough with the pro gun / anti gun bullshit. Come together and find a reasonable solution like literally every... Trending & News

+1 y

Do you care what people gossip about you?

I care to the extent that if people are talking about me behind my back, that's an indication that perhaps I've been acting kind of shitty. Either that or they're shitty. Either way, good to know. Other

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